Tony Roper was killed because the top of his cage came off. It’s not new.
Tony Roper was killed because the top of his cage came off. It’s not new.
“There are no ‘SERIOUS issues’ with the trucks design, or the track design. Both are pretty standard.”
Downforce isn’t everything. This course would be undriveable in an F1 car. It’s you who needs to get real. More downforce does not translate to faster on this course.
Having a no rules race would be a great way to skimp on safety regs. If they could get away with it they would and they’d risk too much.
Nope. Smokey broke “rules” that weren’t written. This is an explicit and blatant breaking of the rules. Smokey made them write rules because they didn’t have ones to pin on him. This is just dumbassery in plain view. They knew it wouldn’t work and they did it anyway.
Oh fuck off, I’m not what’s wrong with the world. Why is it that anonymity brings out the victim blaming idiots like you? She was hit by a cop going what looks like more than double the speed limit for a road like that while he was breaking his own departments safety rules. You stupid motherfuckers that victim blame…
Oh yes, the infallible internet commenter. How's the air in there? I imagine not too good since your head is that far up your own ass.
A mile or more? Depends on the area. In my neighborhood I’ve not seen a cop with lights on sitting stationary on a crossing street until about 50 yards from the intersection at 1am. He wasn't going three time the limit on my street and I still didn't see him in time to stop had he broken the rules and ran through that…
I like DTM too, but it’s even more manufacturer theater than NASCAR. They’re all tube frame cars dressed up as street cars. They don’t try and pass them off as stock cars, but they commit the same sin in a way.
Because she is a woman and she’s an easy target for self righteous fuckheads in the internet. People need to feel superior and on a car related website EVERYONE is going to claim they are a better driver if they can feel better about themselves. They’re victim blaming morons, nothing unexpected.
“I can hear sirens blocks away with windows up and radio on”
It's not fucking reasonable to be prepared at every single light for cross traffic to be going almost 100 miles an hour. Why are you just hell bent on blaming the person to almost got killed instead of the stupid fucking cop going probably THREE TIMES the speed limit? Double at the least considering what the limit…
How? Someone above did the math and showed he would have been almost 600 feet away. Considering you can't see the flashing lights until just before impact and I don't look an eighth of a mile up the road *just in case* a cop is going 100 miles an hour it's unreasonable to pin blame on her. What is it with people on…
Or cops could obey their regulations and rules. There’s that instead of blaming the victim.
Not all intersections have sight lines where you could see this. Considering his speed it’s very easy to see that the closing speed was so fast she might not have noticed the lights until it was far too late to stop.
Road Atlanta is the same way. Sitting by 10a and b and hearing them go through the essess when there's a break in traffic is such a glorious sound.
So can stops in NASCAR. I have no love for that series but you have no clue what you’re talking about. Losing 10 spots off pit road is a common occurrence.
No, you mean that American. Those of us who aren’t idiots don’t care about the name of the show and understand what the title means.
My ‘16 GTI doesn’t get into full boost until about 2200.
I’m not sure I agree, as Im a big fan of more fuel still not being enough fuel.