
How many have you won? That it hasn’t one YET doesn’t make it either overrated or underpowered. You should brush up on your logic.

Absolutely. It has enough power to do so, but the fuel cost is outrageous. People tend to crap on the Hornet but I know that my old skipper was able to hit 1.99 in a not-vertical dive without being in max AB. He said it was the scariest and awesome-est thing he’s done in it.

I didn’t say you said he deserved it, I said what he did wasn’t justifiable in any way. $180k in damages wasn’t just for his bike and his health, it was a message sent to the cops they can’t basically commit attempted murder just because they feel like ramming someone clearly not a threat and to discourage them from

Arrogant, self-absorbed and judge mental? Oh right, you're the one who claimed you could drive circles around me. Good job making yourself a hypocrite. You clearly don't think safety is important and that's what was being discussed. What you had to say wasn't relevant. That's all I was saying. Have a nice day.

Your beliefs are both not relevant to the discussion that was taking place, and useless to me. That you don’t believe in facts tells me that it’s pointless to discuss anything with you. Believe what you want, you’re still wrong and as long as you ignore irrefutable fact then you’ll always be wrong. Holding grudges

Nothing the cop did was justified.

I’m not afraid of my shadow either, but facts are something I rely on and not on personal belief. Cars weigh more because they are safer, there is no argument against it.

Minor traffic violations deserve being rammed, kicked and a gun pointed in your face? You serious about that?

There won’t ever be a rule like that written. Why? Because the Supreme Court has determined that any police organization has no obligation for anyone’s safety. Why make a rule when the Supreme Court says you literally don’t have to do anything to protect the public for any reason whatsoever?

Cops are overpaid as it is, and the danger level of their job is endlessly falsely claimed. They have a less dangerous job than a gas station clerk. If there really were less bad cops than good this wouldn’t happen. That is does demonstrates that there aren’t less bad cops.

There is a culture of guns. Any asshat can easily get one. So every cop a) has one and b) learns to draw first to be safe.

Sack up? How about you take your bullshit to the track, kid?

Over the ENTIRE state of Oregon as well. Why people trust ANY cop is beyond me. Their system promotes escalation of violence and deadly encounters and they get rewarded for doing it.

Can we stop with the unmarked cars? what do we need these for?

As much as I’m against excessive force used by many police officers out there, I’m going to have to side with the cop on this one.

It’s a Gawker site. Stupidity, poor research, bullshit titles and utter nonsense when writing article headlines are a requirement. It’s a shame that more gawker bullshit is invading Jalopnik, they used to be the only site without blatantly stupid shit like this. It’s getting worse every day, between dumbass shit like

I can rip your ear off your head with very little effort. Did you not take biology in school or something?

Considering how undertrained that piece of shit demonstrates that he is, I VERY seriously doubt he would be a threat with that pistol. He holds it like a fucking idiot, and people that pull guns out at the first opportunity are usually the worst shots and bluff like they know what they are doing. Plus he’s a cop, he’s

“Kim’s ability to hold an iron grip on power is certainly somewhat astonishing.”

So it’s better to react unpredictably and without actually thinking about what could result from “X” action taken than to actually think about what’s happening and what should be the best response? No, that’s called being stupid and reactionary. I’d much rather have someone who wasn’t dangerously impulsive and