
That ball joint looked new. The rubber wasn’t rotted or anything like that. Perris is a rough track, it probably broke because it was being hammered hard due to all the ruts.

Junk? You'd be seriously in danger of being hurt in a wreck in one of those cars back then compared to today's cars. Cars weigh more because they are safer and have better stuff in them.

We use both in daily life, most people just like to make the “hurr durr stupid Americans” jokes.

Swift stands for Sure Wish I had Further Training.

If you believe the Indy 500 wasn’t international you’ve shown you don’t know shit about international motorsports. It was a part of the F1 calendar, non-US born drivers make up most of the field and for fucks sake, it’s considered part of the triple crown of motorsports.

Moths to a flame are not indicative of what the majority want.

I'd say something about it being in the wrong section. It's my opinion, you should probably get the fuck over the fact I don't think it belongs on the front page. You seem extremely upset about me not wanting gossip here. Maybe take a break from the internet for awhile if that upsets you so much?

That’s true, but at least the different parts that pop up are interesting and can be somewhat interesting. The private life problems of someone I don't know have no reason to be on Jalopnik. They belong on other sites that dedicate themselves to gossip and bullshit like that, not Jalopnik.

I wasn’t whining, I said gossip has no place on Jalopnik. This belongs on another site in the Gawker family, not the front page of the site about cars. Also, Kinja failed again, that was meant as a reply to the moron that called me a “fuckrag” which is a whole other level of internet stupidity.

Gawker is the book store, Jalopnik is the section about cars. I come here to read about cars, I don’t go to the gossip section. Your inability to see the difference iswhy I’d rather this stay in the gossip section of the store. Your own analogy turns against you.

Because expressing my opinion that gossip doesn't belong on the front page of Jalopnik is part of what this site allows to engage with its readership. If I want to see gawker bullshit I'd go to their site, I come here to avoid this kind of pointless bullshit.

Wow, you need some serious help if you get that angry. You sound like you need medication actually. Get help.

Ooh, angry and gossipy. My bad, this IS perfect for gawker. Whiny bitches that snap and the merest criticism of what they like.

It made it to the front page of Jalopnik. This bullshit belongs elsewhere. I know this is part of the filth that is Gawker, but dumb shit like this has no place on the front page. Who. The. Fuck. Cares.

Far less dangerous is not an excuse. Also, don't be a fucking moron and attack me calling me a college student. You're excusing this behavior, full stop. You cannot in good faith excuse crossing double yellows and exceeding limits on public roads. This is proof that you're wrong. You don't do this because there could

Anyone disagreeing that this is irresponsible behavior is endorsing it. Excusing it even. If he wants to do this kind of thing he should take it to a track. That you like it doesn't make it safe. I don't want *anyone* in a Lambo driving like that on a public road. Laws are there to protect me from idiots that drove

The fact that you like Farah clouds your judgement and causes your to have an error in rational reasoning scares me more than anything. You excuse illegal and dangerous behavior because you like it. Laws are there for a reason, he broke multiple ones here, and in every other video, but since you like him it's okay?

It’s not the foot grabbing that was the issue. It was the approaching a car from a blind spot and invading their lane that was the issue. People talking on cell phones piss me off too, it’s as much of not more dangerous than that idiot biker. Is it normal for you to make illogical comments or something? That I think

Since the guy in the pit is obviously a dumbass, he probably brought it from home because he’s too stupid to know what to take off on what cars and said “fuck this” and started cutting them open. I'd bet $100 it's his own tool and this wasn't the first time he's done it. You don't just up and decide one day to start

Jalopnik and the readers have been excusing illegal and dangerous activity for awhile now. As long as it is “cool” or “funny” they’ll use that as an excuse all day long. It’s quite sickening what people will justify because they think it’s funny. I got skewered for pointing out the irresponsible behavior of a