Connor MacLeod

Found the reason for the zero points: there’s no warning for the passenger seat belt (like there’s none in my 2009 Chevy):

Those features are not usually found in economy cars.

As to any intrusions into the footwell that may cause injuries, they are not mentioned anywhere, so it’s correct to presume that there are any. As to the lack of side and knees airbags, they are missing in the base version (the one no one buys and that only exists to keep low the entry price) but can be added on

Care to detail which “nannies” you are talking about, please?

You didn’t say that:

the guy who was probably banned from a shopping mall for assaulting teenagers


Other countries have their own strict flight regulations, dummy!

Fantastic reply! 100 kudos!

The flying car is not really a technological problem: it’s a people FAA problem.

15. The air filter is probably dirty

Good find!

...because we know that Santa doesn’t exist.

Except when like in my case, the authorized service operator is an independent mechanic who is also a Chevy contractor, authorized to perform the in and out of warranty service. It’s a family operated workshop, and it’s been my faithful mechanic for more than 20 years, first with Daewoo and now with Chevy. What you

Thanks for your logical response, to my emotional comment!

Because the municipal councilors can get better bribes from the diesel fuel suppliers, than what they (do not) get from the electric power company, I infer. Too bad... because I fondly remember the trolley buses of my youth, as the most helpful providers of excuses for when I was late at school: “Ma’m, the bus trolley

I always crack my window a little in wintertime, because I love to have a little fresh air to breathe. I actually hate when it rains and I cannot do that... I’d like to mount those plastic deflectors that fit in the upper/front side of the windows frames, but so far I was not able to find them for my car.

His Royal Highness the Sheikh is very happy.