Connor MacLeod

Just to say that all the additional lights (original or aftermarket) that I have seen and owned so far are hinged, and usually a bump just moves and does not break them. My compliments to the advanced British technology!

...and those big and fugly pneumatic pistons inside the cabin, are something that Ferrari would never use for sure.

Indeed that reminds me of a pumped-up Enzo.

Nice fog clouds lights.

Thank God, that’s a 2 hours parking area...

Yep. I did post that same link under Doug’s name.

Bravo! I totally agree with your good common sense!

Idiots do that.

All colors of lives matter, not only the black ones.

Best reply, to a dumb question.

So funny.

My car’s handles are flush, and work pretty well since 2009:

Sorry. That was a Freudian slip, and bloody Kinja doesn’t allow a late editing.

Indeed! Why the heck they didn’t fit a normal handle, I cannot understand... or better, I can understand that Tesla is basically a stupid car, for people with a lotta time to waste.

F1: Driving isn’t about physical strength. Your car does the strength stuff for you!

Because if that water was not tinted in red, someone could drink it?

Please clean the carpet.

The comment is... oh... so wise!