
Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.

President Trump after your recently reported comments on Africa, are you concerned that the Black Panther movement is gaining traction in Wakanda?

He’s a golem made of mayonnaise.

You don’t understand how insurance works do you? You can’t get insurance to the older people without reducing the overall risk by also including younger/healthier people. It all works in the sense that down the road those younger people are old and need the insurance more, but the new crop of younger people are there

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

I suppose this will fool the same sort of idiot who thinks that Obamacare was a failure so Congress stepped in and replaced it with the ACA. Of which there are many.