
Never have I seen so appropriate a use of an Oatmeal comic for a situation that wasn’t about grammar.

This is not in any way relevant to anything but my god is she stunningly beautiful.

The greater crime is that the same person has slipped by TSA and gate agents MULTIPLE TIMES, including an international flight where you need a passport check at least once.

My dad has three daughters and he’s the most misogynistic, objectifying, nasty man I know. I don’t understand why people think having daughters turns you into a less-sexist person.

Just add a label saying: Contains GMO, Gluten and MSG.

I feel bad for him until he gives me reason not to.
Eric, Ivanka and Don Jr deserve our scorn. They all know their father is terrible, but they stay there for the sweet sweet money.
Melania also deserves our scorn.

Barron is a child who has no real option but to stay where he is. He is the George Michael Bluth of the

To Whom It May Concern:

Disney’s currently toying with the idea of having Tony Shalhoub play upwards of 80% of the background characters.

He made millions of people laugh (me included) and seemed like he had a big heart. RIP.

My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.

I keep a red scrunchie in a drawer in case there is ever a question about who is in charge ;)

No, he can’t. His belly is too large.

Did anyone else think the video had frozen in the middle?

“in University” and “Kraft Dinner” outs Nicholas as a low-down, shifty-eyed, Labatt-drinking Canuck.

How easy to say, when it’s Billy Bush’s career at stake and not yours.

Apparently they are glued into your ears with melted ear wax.

You know nothing about this situation, you just think do. And really your concern trolling is just weird.

Just gotta get through this, Melania, she thinks as she walks through the whispering wood. Just gotta get through this.

Leave it to America to reinvent debt slavery for the 21st Century.

Probably the butler has one of those hamster water-dispensers in human size, designed so that Trump can’t accidentally drown himself.