
So, theres a secret bathroom on my wing at work... it used to serve as a handicap bathroom when the unit was used as a patient area. When they turned it into an office area they never changed the lock BUT the admin and clinical staff were not given the key, were never told about it and just think it’s part of an old

Someone I know who has no problem discussing anything in public once posted the following on Facebook: “The best part about my new job is that I live close enough that I can go home to poop where no one will hear!”

Now playing

I love Sinead O forever, miss her and wish her well. Seen her 4 times in concert (met her & got an autograph, the only autograph I ever wanted) and she has probably canceled four more shows I meant to attend.

Good Kinja:

The point of training is to be better at an activity

This is so transparent it’s not even funny. Here are the reasons they (Trump) are reconsidering Tubman’s addition:

Looking at that picture, I tried to imagine them having sex and all I could come up with was this...

how to sum up this administration

To be fair, this piece is about pics posted to dating profiles. While there are certainly good reasons (as you’ve mentioned) for balding guys to wear a hat indoors and out, there are plenty of opportunities to take a pic without the hat as well, so there’s no excuse to not have even one “honest” shot to use for this

That’s everyone’s favorite person, B.D. Wong!!! Have loved him ever since I saw him on “All American Girl”.

If she’s married to Kevin James, it’s completely believable that she would fake her own death.

“I’ll never understand the sex appeal of a boozy cigarette-withered middle-aged man with a hairpiece fondly nicknamed a rat, not to knock Frank Sinatra.”

Blah blah blah. You hate Hillary and Obama. Have a cookie.

I don’t mean this as body snark, but that picture looks like a photoshop fail to me. It’s a bit like a taffy pull. Maybe that’s her real body, but she’s a very petite woman. How does her torso look 4 feet long?

I see their bitterness over their appendages never equalling Michelle O’s guns hasn’t abated.

I don’t know if I should feel stupid or blessed that I legitimately thought I was about to read an article about how Kodak film is shit at capturing darker skin tones. I totally thought that Kodak Black was going to be Kodak’s version of the actual color black on some sort of RGB scale or something.

Late lunch is the only answer. If you leave for lunch at 1 or 2, then you have less of the day to come back to. HOW DOES EVERYONE NOT KNOW THIS?

This is the second reference to “Just One of the Guys” I’ve seen today and I’m legit thrilled about it.

I still think Trump refuses to invite them.

If it were me, I’d go on a tour. Go visit Jimmy Carter in Georgia; swing over to Texas to see the Bushes, go to wherever the Clintons live now and then go see the Obamas.

You know how every president ages like shit during their term? This is going to be the administration where we all age like shit.