
Joanna, the kindness and patience with which you indulged young Alex was truly a sight to behold. My god, it absolutely emanates from your eyes, your smile, even from the tilt of your head. Had I been in your shoes, Alex would probably have needed to be confined to an asylum for the rest of his life once I got through

I’m pretty sure if that TINY pile of bricks was enough to take down that building, it was ready to go anyway and was probably being held together with inertia and spider webs.

Censuses are a HUGE source of information for genealogists. Some future ancestor could be looking for information on you for years, unable to find anything. Then, 72 years after it was taken, the census becomes public, and you are there in all your glory, sharing your story with your future family historian.

Ah yes the morning what fresh hell am I living in today briefing

My main form of exercise is walking and I get shouted out from people (sitting in cars!) about how I’m fat or need to exercise...which is what I’m doing

Maybe they are ALL INTERNS... and will get paid with “EXPERIENCE” lol i’m poking fun at places that offer internships and do not pay people.

I believe the correct response is “and with you spirit” now

I always suggest calling first.

My grandmother, who died last year at age 90, had a cabinet full of gorgeous china. I admired it once and asked if she ever used it, and she made a face and said, “You can’t put it in the dishwasher.”

So maybe she didn’t dump him because he was in Star Wars but rather because of how he revealed he was in Star Wars. Replying to ‘What do you do for a living?’ with ‘I’m an actor,’ followed by ‘What sort of stuff do you act in?’ and ‘Well, I’m in the new Star Wars movie,’ might have gone down better than ‘Hey, look at

Are the letters blinking or should I consult with my doctor?

I was never thin enough for any of the many stores/chains that are closing now. Schadenfreude out the wazoo right now.

“Or, and bear with me for a minute here, I could just spend that time and energy washing my everyday, non-wifi connected juicer...”

I have to admit I’ve always had a bit of an eyeroll for Hilaria Baldwin. Apropos of nothing really besides her name (not her fault I know but I see Hilaria and think hilarious and just start laughing) and the contant yoga photos and instagramming. But I may just be a fan now because that is great and so so true.

I don’t think I’ve heard another artist defend teenage girls in this same way. Normally it’s just a line about how they love their fans and they are so loyal. I appreciate that Styles goes to bat for not just their fandom, but their right to have a valid opinion about music.

I’ve been waiting all day for Barf Bag just to share this.

In other news, the kitten from the “just hang in there” poster finally fell off that branch and died.

Don’t be mean to my goth boo Noel 😡

Does this effect calbees shrimp snack? I have no idea if it is potato, wheat or a combination of both, all I know is they are delicious.

“Calbee also said American potatoes aren’t up to snuff quality-wise”Oh it’s on now.