
I want BD Wong instructional videos in every topic imaginable.

Does anyone else get the strong sense that this is the end, not the beginning? Trump is taking his victory bows like the curtain is going down and he can go home and sleep. There is no sense that the real work hasn’t even begun. I mean, he’s not the President yet! It’s not time for the victory tours because he hasn’t

She fucking killed that debate and I am drunk and a nasty woman and also i love bad hombres and fuck him and i ate a burrito and several cookies and maybe like a whole bottle of whine or wine or shit or omg i need to go to bed even on the west coast i am a mess omg i hate trump o hope he dies ifn a fire

I very recently was in the shower and felt what seemed like, well, poop in between my cheeks. I reached back figuring I’d clean it out and pulled a worm out of my ass. Like a six inch long white worm. I screamed and threw it on the floor and it was wriggling around. My SO came running in looked at it and said “this

I found it pretty chilling that Trump’s latest advert ends with the words on screen claiming “DONALD TRUMP WILL PROTECT YOU. HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN”.

The same people who were upset about men dressing as women to sneak into public bathrooms are going to defend this.

“After all, we all have to look at him.” Classiest shade ever.

“He is the only one who can.”

Knowing Drumpsterfire, he’ll say her performance as campaign manager wasn’t “good enough” and he’ll refuse to pay her, like he’s done with so many other contractors over the years.

Don’t expect too much. The people who weren’t already disgusted by his behavior won’t be swayed by this either.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

Reminds me of something my mom did a few weeks ago. She got a scam call from some guy saying he was with Microsoft and he detected a virus on her computer. (First clue it was a scam? They have an iMac. Why would Microsoft be calling?)

Having had some very annoying coughs (pertussis a couple years ago, too) I would buy and treasure such a device.

I am now very concerned about the mowing in flipflops bit. YOU’LL CUT YOUR TOES OFF!!!

Sooo... Am I the only one who firmly believes that body-part-specific moisturizers are just a cash grab?

This looks less like shade and more like “I’d rather be doing anything else as long as it wasn’t around all these people.” She looks tired, worn and sad, which losing a family member would easily explain. :(

If I had a body that looked good in this, I’d put it into a suit that made it look waaaaay better.

“We don’t recommend watching the video...but we will put an auto-playing gif on loop at the top of the post”

It’s the coil part of this that confuses me. I’ve frozen bacon flat before, but never in coils.

To me it seems like unnecessary work on both sides. First you have to separate and then coil the bacon to freeze it, then you have to defrost it before you can cook it. With frozen strips you just put them directly into the