
1) I’m not a gamer, so I don’t care about game upgrades.

I just don’t understand.

Thanks - I’ll take a look at Classic Shell.

GM screwed the pooch on electric vehicles so hard, that I assume there’s still some lingering bias. Kind of like they did with diesels.

I have a Surface 3 with 10, and it just doesn’t do it for me. I think it’s funny that as Apple is producing a shittier by the day OS, Microsoft is trying to “out Apple” them.

Eat a dick.

I think it will look dated.

This is not going to age well. In 5 years, we’ll all be voting CP.

Because formatting?

That’s it?

Too bad somebody drew a robot penis on the roof.

My only hesitation is that the statistical sample is so small at this point. But yeah, the average driver is shit.

I don’t think there will be enough of them to matter.

I’m willing to be that in the long run (if there was a way to freeze current tech long enough to do a real study) that these systems, when used as instructed, are safer than the average human driver.

It may be, but when you push the skinny pedal on a Camry, it doesn’t roast the tires, make noise and quickly hit 100. That’s the part that would be hard to not do all the time.

Yeah it was dumb, but damn it would hard to drive that thing anywhere near legal speeds.

There’s a very different concept of personal space to old Chinese folks in the Bay Area. I used to think that avoiding them in public was a racial thing, but have come to realize it’s cultural.

I had a host pull that same kind of bullshit (but it wasn’t about race) of advertising a place for a low price, then cancelling it so they could give me a “special offer” of the same place at double the price.

Flashing lights, dinging bells (although she could be deaf) and a sign that says look both ways. Sorry, but I’m all out of sympathy.

Thanks for including a link to a Frank Ocean song. I’ve heard his name but never his music.