
You probably also wouldn’t really leave poor dumb sweet Lee behind with that peckerwood. ;-)

It’s so good. And the cast! Whoa.

That LaToya tweet is making me see red. I’m having a shitty day and all of my insecurity is coming to surface and I’ve been trying not to cry and I want to punch her.

I once tweeted Neko that her on the Middle Cyclone cover was my patronus charm.....she replied saying it was the dorkiest thing she had ever heard and that she loved it. I died.

Question: has there ever been a cooler album cover than Neko Case’s Middle Cyclone?

that she “lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on ISIS.”

One interesting thing about this is that Hannity went with a language issue:

I get tired at the thought of going on a brief vacation. I’m dead inside after a 40 hour work week at my desk job. I’m only 29. This woman has even flying all over the country for more than a year campaigning for president. I think she’s probably got enough stamina to handle it. I’ll just be over here with my inhaler

This line of attack seems particularly ill-advised because alluding to the detailed contents of Hilary Clinton’s pre-run health screen really should draw attention to the fact that, based on Trump’s utterly insane health screening letter, it’s clear no health screen was done at all in his case. The idea that an


I’ve already heard people interviewed on cable news who are v. concerned that we might get nuclear war during Hillary’s time of the month... never mind that it’s probably been 10-15 years at least since she last menstruated.

Well, provided the left can get its act together, which, let’s face it, is a depressingly big if, we DO have a shot at taking back the Senate. Which would give the democrats the presidency, Supreme Court, and senate. It’s going to be real hard for the GOP to continue stonewalling with just the house.

“the healthiest individual ever elected to Presidency”.................

I really wonder though. Pulling that shit for 8 years is what got them Trump. They acted like petty children and the petty children who voted for them were all “parents left for the weekend and left the liquor cabinet stocked IT’S PARTY TIME!”

“To Whom My Concern”

How can we let a man anywhere near the nuclear codes? They’re too emotional to lead! SAD!

What frustrates me the most about this narrative is that the myth that “she doesn’t have the stamina”. That is the most obnoxious, gendered trope if there ever was one. So now we’re fixating on her health,of all things, as a reason that she is not qualified to be President. Meanwhile, Trump is 1 step away from skin

Republicans are scared shitless

And a symptom that Donald himself displays every time he reads from a teleprompter. Sad!

Ms. Clinton suffers from a congenital birth defect. As someone who was also born with this, which is so often stigmatized and swept under the rug, I think it’s time people start talking about it to draw back the curtain and draw attention to it. Let’s talk about it, people! It’s not disgusting! It’s not shameful! It