Exactly! I’m not about congratulating people for what they should say. Especially when she makes it her business to be so awful on just about everything else while sitting pretty on Fox News. No thank you!
Exactly! I’m not about congratulating people for what they should say. Especially when she makes it her business to be so awful on just about everything else while sitting pretty on Fox News. No thank you!
we should just build a wall and get the mosquitos to pay for it.
And just in case the mosquitoes are feeling constricted in their ability to cross borders, there’s a handy-dandy little event coming up in Brazil at which they can bite people from every corner of the globe, sending them home infected to infect others, get bitten by their local mosquitoes, etc. Yippee! What could go…
Nah I refuse to give her any sort of credit. She is still working there and is still spewing her hateful garbage. Broken Clocks stand with us twice a day, I’m not rolling out the welcome mat otherwise.
It...actually explains a lot about Trump’s mindset, if true. If the assumption is you’re at fault for being attacked, and that every negative opinion or comment is viewed as an attack, then you do everything you can to prove it’s not your fault and, I guess, attack back to prove it.
Not like those assholes who let themselves be harassed, amirite? This reminds me of Trump’s press conference where he suggested that Putin call’s Obama the n-word, and that it’s Obama’s fault for not being respected. Whoever get’s attacked is to blame for not preventing it in the first place. The Trumps have very odd…
And new bosses *love* it when you say you left your last job quickly because you were sexually harassed.
OMG, how out of touch is this blue collar billionaire (vomit) asshole? Because yes, it’s definitely on the woman to just go find a new career because some man can’t keep it in his pants and feels it’s his place to get wordy/grabby? And careers are so plentiful, it’s super totes easy to just get a new one. And with…
They really packed it in! Tiny hands, hideous hair, awful spray tan, Hitler reverence, incompetence, etc etc. Impressive, I like it!
I thought it was funny. However...
The Piano is beautiful and beautifully directed by Jane Campion And very influential visually and musically. Anna Paquin deservedly won a Best Supporting Oscar for her first film role (she was 11 and was the second youngest Oscar winner). She’s fierce, as befitting anyone who plays Holly Hunter’s daughter. It also won…
This was the first movie I watched where I was like wait
And yet here you are, engaging in mommy-policing and woman-bashing.
Uh, think you missed the entire point of this article. “Moms” aren’t a problem.
Came in here just for this.
I actually couldn’t care less about this remake, but any chance I get to make fun of the Ghostbusters crybabies, I will take.
Remind me again why some people think Donald Trump is the guy who tells it like it is and refuses to pander? It’s because they like the racism, right?