Her response to the same question during her Reddit AMA a few months ago was just as incoherent. At least she is consistently inconsistent.
Her response to the same question during her Reddit AMA a few months ago was just as incoherent. At least she is consistently inconsistent.
I think she’s a total quack. When I started reading about her after the Bernie or Bust crowd started fawning all over her, I saw her use the phrase “Big Pharma,” saw her wishy washy stance on vaccines, and found out that she’s all about homeopathy and went NOPE. Fuck no. You’re supposed to be an actual doctor and you…
I voted for Stein in 2012 (it was more a vote for The Green Party than Stein to be honest) and I was really hoping that if the Greens were going to try and continue making inroads to become a viable 3rd option that they would have moved past Stein and found a more appealing candidate.
She certainly seems to have every side of the fence covered.
To think I would have missed this historic moment because I’m unable to hold in my pee. You’re a stronger woman than I Joanna!
I know - and see also: Bernie Sanders. I am over people criticizing Hillary’s way of speaking while a man gets to yell with a scowl on his face and is beloved by all. I love Bernie, don’t get me wrong - I just don’t like sexism among some of his supporters.
I cannot *watch* the “news,” because you are correct about the lousy ratio of actual news to opinion, or in the case of local TV news, gruesome calamities. I can *read* a couple of respected news sources and get more news, less upset.
I was shocked about Lincoln! Everyone who does a Lincoln impersonation does that deep, booming, Midwesterner voice. Then I read a few newspaper accounts of the Lincoln-Douglass debates, and they all described his “high-pitched” voice that sounded like “tinkling bells."
where have I seen this image before?
Oh, Nevermind.
Have you seen or read a single thinkpiece on Donald Trump’s actual voice (not how he talks but his voice) and how it’s a detriment to him?
Reasons Trump yelled last week: “He’s just inexperienced with the teleprompter”, “the room was loud”, “he wanted to make sure he spoke clearly”
Reasons Clinton was harsh this week: “She didn’t practice modulating her voice”, “She was lecturing us”, “She’s a bad speaker”, “She didn’t smile enough”
I sense a difference,…
Dying over “swallowed the city of Boston and a silver spoon,” because YES.
Exactly! This is just another one of the many ways we’ve been spoiled by Obama. He’s an *amazing* speaker. If Hillary came after Bush II her rehearsed way of speaking would be a little less noticeable, I think.
FFS, it wasn’t that long ago that a President deemed himself “The Decider.”
This is the angle the media is taking and they’re sticking to it regardless of how it actually sat with people who were listening. God forbid she not mommy you while discussing policy and the future of this country. I already have a mommy, I don’t need her for that nor do I see a mother figure in every woman I…
He has The Penis Pass.
You can say what you said. It’s when you start using words like shrill, nagging, etc. that you’re entering dangerous waters because we rarely lob similar criticisms against men. For example, Trumps speaking voice aint that great, but other than mocking his pronunciation of huge, we don’t see that in the media much.
Yeah, or Bernie Sanders’ voice, which always sounds mildly harassive due to the NYC accent, and his resting bitch face. (To be fair ppl have called out the RBF.)
Every time I see a picture of Trump’s white mouth hole ringed by orange it reminds me of the Mad Men episode where Roger Sterling has the Kentucky Derby party and wore blackface and his mouth looked like a gaping asshole. As does Trump’s.