Bless these brave lunatics for their service and devotion to the cause. I'm dying of heat stroke just looking at those pictures.
Bless these brave lunatics for their service and devotion to the cause. I'm dying of heat stroke just looking at those pictures.
Must be nice to be someone who wouldn’t be directly and adversely affected by a Trump presidency.
I was a Bernie supporter, now a Hillary supporter, whether I like it or not. I don’t understand Rothkopf’s derision re Bernie supporters, as if we/they are all a bunch of hick doofus bros with weed stuck in our nostrils. We/some-of-they are not stupid, and probably more politically educated than Rothkopf, tbh. PS-…
As is often the case in this election, and in this life, the loudest voices are also the dumbest.
I love how “neoliberal” now means “not socialist” to the fresh baby voters on the left. Like, chill the fuck out, we aren’t getting there in the next decade or two no matter who is president. Now be a good little progressive and go get some fellow socialists into office so that next time you actually have some support…
Jill Stein tweeted out an test she had taken where she agreed with Clinton on 91% of the issues. People willing to throw a vote away for a 9% disagreement are equally as stupid as Trump voters.
Being a progressive means you hate Hillary? That’s news to me. I thought being progressive means fighting for progressive issues, not creating a purity test of which of those issues are necessary to be considered progressive.
I swear, if I hear one more “progressive” person say that fascism is better than moderately progressive, my head may actually explode. If it hasn’t already from the heat.
Yesterday I watched Killer Mike stand on stage and lead a crowd at the Panorama festival in a “Fuck Trump” cheer. He was clearly angry that Bernie Sanders had lost, as he was one of his biggest supporters and had really worked on advocacy on Sanders behalf. And since he’s a damn smart guy, he also finished off by…