
dislike And meh is

you should have trusted your better judgement

isn’t it cultural appropriation?

Trust & Safety Council

any tips for FB? perma most recent and only shares and personal posts by friends, no likes and comments on retards I don’t know or follow or whatever. man can dream...

I’m going to use this design. On the monthly magazine about libraries.

If FB made Superban of people I don’t know appearing on my news feed instead I would be so happy

wait, you are watching supergirl but not flash?

is this a sequel to Click?

69 is the new 27

‘team spacespin - come this way. your seppuku knives a ready’


step one: mod

I see it

if they really want to help they should give away full sets

This is the most clickbaitiest troll article/post on io9 ever or the most retarded

Felicia Day is overrated.