
she looks old. more like superwoman

How this is Jem? I thought it will be something like speedracer. of course as speedracer flopped they went for young adult feel fest and now we don’t have ultimate audio-visual entertainment synthesizer

just a reminder that people wanted to stay on Pandora forever.

bought it

no! I want this in high res. anyone?

Started walking home from work. it’s only +10-15 minutes uphill but after two days my body is like “wtf dude, what are you doing to me, I don’t remember this part of me ever used before...”

Do you feel that calm before the shit storm of “why the sister is not in the middle!”; “she is just a sidekick!”; “female thugs promote violence against women!”

the moment I read the title I knew what is going to be about... this is getting so predictable and boring.

And I want Son of Odin as Thor.

close enough

they are always so abusive to these prototype robots. [insert archer meme about robot uprising]

I hope it’s not going to turn out a Jim Henson movie with all this emphasizing of practical effects.

Context Menu Search

oh no no no no. creating own threats is impossible in this world. it’s not a thing. how can you say it? or are implying that it was done before. by someone...

I like how “liberal” tossed around in this article about bomb threats. you can say as many times as you want “liberal feminism” but still “radical feminism” is what it is. bomb threats -liberal feminism. bomb threats -liberal feminism. bomb threats -liberal feminism. do you see the problem here? oh! and there is that

actually this is the first modular concept that makes sense

By Wil Wheaton: