
so... he has a birthmark...

I don’t know all the info but few simple questions:

Beer is not sold in pints in Lithuania so there is no answer for that :D it’s 0.5 liter.

Oh, so it’s bad to lie about deadly threats to your life and make money out of it? who knew...

this is so nostalgic.

If that head transplantation will be a total success - that’s it - The Future has Arrived

I predict zombieland pilot quality and fate

yes. maybe 5.0. or 6.0

when you are so untalented writer and unable to create a good story that you have to use hyped gimmicks like sex, orientation or race change to stay relevant...

“If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism”... every ****ing site updated ethics policy after this stupid s**t. yeah... If GamerGate were actually....

“GamerGate, a polarizing movement more associated with harassment than its ostensible desire to change ethics in video game journalism”

so? games do not cause sexism. but do games prevent sexism? do games teach boys that rape is not an option? I think not!



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Am I the only one who thought that “pluck one - two will grow back” myth was debunked?

I remember it because it's in my language and they do what's in my line of business. So don't know what impact that font has on me and if I would remember it if not for the first two reasons.

that Comic Sans at the end though.