
imagine the amount of product placement in that. IMAGINE IT!

every time I read "fallout..." I have a mini heart attack

Carry moonbeams home in a jar?

time for sequel

so not space - negative zone ?

but what about dailies? one has to level up!

Nerdist said that it's second act suit. sort of "mark 1". third act will have classical suits.

I wish I could trade tacos for wifi

they always do that :(

we don't have any talent at all but at least we have the best free wifi in the world so we got that going for us, which is nice.

Grant Gustin needs to spend some time at the gym to fill that suit.

to be more like 7 and less like 8

he should make a new tie-dye shirt with this design

iZombie trailer looks too teenwashed even for CW

just force yourself thru season one and enjoy massive improvement in season two

I don't know who rated or overrated it and I don't care but I laughed so many times during this movie. the last time I laughed so much was during Scrubs Binge-watching

he really does look like a creep in this.

How old is Korra at the finale? Because I think Asami is not her last partner. As I remember Katara was the only love interest for Aang. but Korra is not a settling type in my opinion.

It is awesome. but still fuel for my nightmares