
Mexico City is about 1.4 miles high, or 0.4 miles higher than Denver. I anticipate Telmex Estadio will be 390/450/390 and someone you’ve never heard of out of the expansion draft will set a record for doubles.

Funny thing is, leaving is absolutely the opposite of what Jesus would have done.

...west coast?

A bench is certainly a good symbol for someone who spent most of his career as a DH.

The money athletic departments bring in does not go back into the general fund. It does not reduce tuition costs for the rest of the student body. If anything, paying athletes out of the money the athletic departments bring in could free up more scholarship money for academics.

No their opinion is that athletes should be compensated for the millions of dollars they bring in to their schools since they are treated more like employees (be here at this time, do this specific assigned role on the team) than students.

Don’t have a shitty stepfather

That’s not even the most egregious thing about this...the Ravens were perfectly fine making a double murder suspect a team captain for more than a decade...but WEED?!?!?! No fucking way.

The world doesn’t revolve around the Eastern Time Zone! Wait, yes it does. (fun fact I just learned: 47% of Americans live in Eastern. 33% central. 5% Mountain. 14% Pacific.)

Jason Pierre Paul was on Tinder, but he was having too much trouble swiping.

Samer’s Pickup Line

Jameis Winston also boasted, “When I get Tinder, it’s pretty much lights out.”

You may be mis-characterizing the implications of Sanders’ policy positions just a tad...

In the US both of the damn hospitals would have had the proper equipment in the first place. You can say a lot about how expensive the US healthcare system is but sometimes there’s a reason for it.

“No one at ESPN wants Rovell beheaded in Times Square, but many were angry he still gets paid to rephrase #brand #content.”

As an NJ resident since 1998, I agree, but will tell you just roll with the criticism. The shore is crowded enough already with all of these people not wanting to venture here. Imagine how crowded it will be if they ever realize they are wrong.

Ok so as a NJ resident I feel the need to defend my home state, because everyone likes to shit on it. If your concept of the Garden State is limited to the industrial wasteland and traffic hell that is just outside of New York, I can understand. That area sucks...and NJ Transit sucks big time no matter where you live,


Maybe under Broussard’s shitty belief system, he thinks retweeting a man is considered a homosexual act?