You shouldn’t be riding so fast on the street that you *need* to hang off, although it can provide extra safety margin.
You shouldn’t be riding so fast on the street that you *need* to hang off, although it can provide extra safety margin.
Something something never tow a vehicle with a trailer hitch...
You’re free to think whatever you want about my onion goggles opinions, but this is just crazy.
However much
oniongarlic a recipe calls for should be doubled, at least, no matter the recipe.
Guys, guys, guys. Get over this ticket thing, burnthisplease says so. If you can’t afford to pay, just stay home and watch the games on Comca...
“A woman’s life is less important to me than my property”
Credit to Oliver for making a “stupid photo of Arod” joke w/out resorting to the one where he’s kissing his reflection.
Everyone get over it, or you’ll get angry?
Is it wrong that I care only about the F/A-18?
I'm from the south so I know how devastating it is getting the clap from cousins.
I’m ashamed that they even pay our shitty men’s team. Seriously, give all of the money toward the women’s team. They fucking rock and generally seem to be good role models for little girls.
Honestly it’s not even a debatable give and take. The statistics bear it out, cops doing traffic stops get hit a shitload more often than they get shot. The only reason to even entertain the “easier to shoot” narrative is the same completely fictitious “war on cops” excuse they use to buy armored vehicles and swat…
Except his wife amirite
you have several basic articles that you perpetually revomit:
We prefer being manual journalists most of the time.
how you are employed as an automatic journalist is beyond me.
Slambrose Bierce up in here. Lebron might not be able to do it all but he did win two NBA finals games last year playing one on five. That’s pretty damn good.
Lemme slow you down for a bit.