The sad thing is I only knew about this version of the song. And the only reason I even knew about that was randomly catching one of the new episodes of Beavis and Butthead. Catchy tune though!
Picturing someone having the nerve to do something like that is the joke, yes.
Umm... The fire department doesn't have a 'cat must be at TOP of tree to rescue' policy.
Just curious, are you a Wreckless Eating fan? That's how I learned about this... 'gem.' :-P
Nah, it's on somebody's property. Cutting it down just exposes you to all sorts of legal problems. All the kitty solution exposes you to is toxoplasmosis.
Just throw a cat up there and call the fire department. Ask them to grab the game for you while they're up there rescuing Whiskers.
I'm pretty sure they did make that a mandatory update like a WHILE ago. I remember pissed off people bitching, "Well fine! If they do that then I'm just going to disconnect on anyone who plays as Freddy Krueger!"
I... never worry that the greatest hits version of a game won't work with the original. O_o
I'm about to go to sleep, and that is the best thing I have read all day. So... You win the day for best things said.
"Gaming is hot. So don't stay single any longer. Come in and play."
It's funny both of us would come up with the Liefeld comparison.
That is a freaking awesome video. I know I'm offering nothing original on this one, but I had to say it anyway.
Taking that survey was... something. I haven't been hardcore in to Counter Strike in 10 years. I really had to reflect back for those answers.
Heheh. There's actually only three entire feet, but you're right. That is 300% too much foot. :-P
Yeah, the delay when you try to attack thing has gotten me more then once. Sen's Fortress actually wasn't too bad for me, aside from that last skinny walkway and cheap "oops I rolled off the platform" deaths against the boss. Ornstein and Smough in Anor Londo took me like a MONTH of on and off play to beat though.
I knew about the 2002 version, but I don't remember 'The New Adventures of He-Man' at ALL. O_O I guess I was fully in to Transformers by then. I now must scour youtube for all that it knows! (PS this looks AWFUL, but in kind of an awesome way. :-P)