Cajuan King

I Find It Very Funny That Some Folks Talk About Jim Crow & Slavery Over And Over.

Damon Young: your mama fell down on the task of washing your young mouth with brown soap !

The Winter Olympics may just finally be worth watching because heretofore, the international sports competition has been whiter than Cardi B’s new teeth.

For the uninformed “Jim Crow Laws” were the tools that the Democrat Party of the South used to keep Blacks & Uppity Whites in line. The same Democrat Party used their terrorist allies the KKK, to hang poor Blacks & Whites on the rural back roads of the South.

“It’s easy to see why bougie black people would be so enthralled with this movie, as it contains at least a dozen prominent markers of bougie black-tivity.”

Michael were you aware South Carolina had Blacks Who Had
Black Slaves in the 1860s ?

The politician, activist and national leader of the Congress of Racial Equality died Jan. 8 at a hospital in New York City as a result of complications from Parkinson’s disease. Roy Innis was 82 years old.

Please In The Names Of Justice, Sanity, And Honesty Discuss Blacks Murdering Blacks !

But since June 2007, out of approximately 10,000 police shootings, only five white police officers have been imprisoned for killing someone black.

January 2, 2018

Don’t Do CRACK !

Another Day Care Center Graduate Heard From.

Sorry Ms Helm, BUT Angela has been out the slammer before you mama decided not to abort you.

It Would Have Been A WTF Moment, If The Photo Was Of MLK Getting Out Of The Casket !

“Yall know i had to turn the fuck up on abc didnt mention my dad name once lied to me about asking questions”

That’s what “CRACK” does to your body !

Spoken Like A True R-A-C-I-S-T !

Yesha you are going to have to STOP partying with those White dudes.