Onda Webs

Most of us have been enraged with grief over losing people we love. Me too. But never once in my grief did it occur to me to get violent or use racist slurs. Maybe I would feel violent towards the actual person who did my loved one harm if I lost them that way, I don’t know. But this reporter and cameraman are not

I don’t even understand what is going on there.

This photo looked hella awkward to me at first. Her sunglasses threw me off — I thought she was mashing her face into his so hard his sunglasses went askew.

We’re really not. I don’t need to qualify my condemnation of someone calling a woman “nigger” with remedial media studies blurbs. And unlike Ari, apparently, I don’t think that makes me a saint or particularly special or in need of magical interweb SJW cookies or whatever they’re on about.

I can’t fucking believe people are saying the mom popped off because she’s grieving and saw the reporter, who is simply doing her fucking job, as if that’s somehow acceptable. But then they say that totally doesn’t excuse the racism and assault, and I consider that woman putting her hands on the reporter to be

Yeah, I can’t fucking believe the people that are excusing this racist’s behavior because her child was killed after threatening people with a gun. Based on that video it looks like the reporter was across the street from where the incident occurred.

I think in a lot of cases, even non white folks have been aggressively socialized to see WW as victims in any situation, and have little to no sympathy for black women. It’s really, really fucked up, and it’s not going away if we don’t call it what it is.

You didn’t display sympathy for a grieving mother. You expressed empathy for a racist and proceeded to hide behind the “grief” smokescreen.

Thank you for saying this. I won’t speculate on why certain people* automatically empathized with the mother/attacker, but I bet it would be interesting if you broke down the demographics. My impulse was to empathize with the reporter.

If the reporter were shoving a mic in her face with a camera crew surrounding her, I could understand the mother flipping out (minus the racial slurs). But the reporter and cameraperson were standing well away from the mother, not focused on her at all...and the mother came out of her way to attack them.

You tell us. Didn’t you click on this story, too?

You’re really just stating the obvious, but you stating the obvious diminishes the fact that this woman’s grief played out in a way that unleashed her inner (or outer, whatever) monster in a fucking typical but exhausting way that affects black people and that will never, ever affect you. The thing you are missing is

It is good! I am about to start Episode 4. I am loving Ravi; easy on the eyes, sweet, funny, and smart... am I horrible for wanting her and him to get together instead of rooting for her ex-fiancee (who seems to have moved on some, anyway...)?

True, but you’d think grieving for your son would be more important than going after some news reporter if he was your priority. I get the feeling this guy ended up where he did precisely because he was never her priority, not in life or death.

I don’t know how this was disrespectful. Victor and Hayes were reporting facts from across the street of the scene of the incident. How else are they supposed to go about this?

And just look at her here. A simple outfit, and she really rocks it. They are soooo stupid.


She responded to someone on twitter and said that her publicist has been reaching out to everyone, with no takers, for months

“This is nobody’s fault except Leslie’s,” Paster says. “She should have known four to five months ago the date of premiere, and said, ‘I’m not a sample size, I need to go to designers early or buy myself a dress.’