Welp. The one thing I can’t say about this one, that I could never say and be completely honest, is “I never liked him anyway.”
Welp. The one thing I can’t say about this one, that I could never say and be completely honest, is “I never liked him anyway.”
I’d like to point out that, while this issue is perhaps getting its most exposure due to scandals in the entertainment industries and politics, we should NOT be pretending like it’s exclusive to these places. In fact, it’s probably only the headline-worthy tip of a very large, underreported iceberg.
Here’s an abridged list of actresses who’ve played the wife, girlfriend, or love interest opposite Will Ferrell in the last 15 years.
I’m all for themed material, but so far, the AV Club’s Sexual Assault Week has been kind of a downer.
Narrator: “In fact...”
Yikes. This on top of the Jeffrey Tambor allegations, partnered with the Charlyne Yi story about David Cross from a few weeks ago...
I will still see it, if just for the cast and the allure of a good old fashioned costume drama (that isn’t a tedious biopic.)
I’m pretty sure I know it. Hercule Poirot was dead the whole time, right?
Through a constitutional technicality, an inexperienced self-promoter wins the first political office of his life without a majority of the popular vote. He immediately sets about insulting former allies, mocking party stalwarts who have the knowledge he lacks, and generally alienating anyone who didn’t vote for him…
Whoah. Does anyone actually do this anymore?
You know who convinced me that director Oliver Stone and his film JFK were both full of shit? Director Oliver Stone, on the commentary track for his film JFK. It was so incredibly, laughably hypocritical:
The world is changing so fast for these people—
Yeah, thank god the bad guy with a gun didn’t shoot, say, FIFTY-EIGHT people before being taken down. If that ever happened, that would be an unspeakable tragedy...
Seems like just yesterday I was reading a My World of Flops article on this very site, in which Nathan Rabin asked incredulously how respected actor Kevin Spacey could possibly have lent his gravitas and considerable talents to a talking cat flick like Nine Lives.
It’s a Muppet made of skin!
Been wanting to say this for awhile: I know this ranks very low on the scale of actual human tragedy, but it’s kinda frustrating how many of my all-time favorite movies Kevin Spacey has ruined in retrospect.
If I ever get cornered by a gun-toting lunatic in a public area, I’m gonna make sure to yell “HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!” as loud as possible.
If you forced every guy in the world to admit to doing or saying things around women that could be considered inappropriate...
What a time to be alive, y’know?