Hegel Exercises

Didn't we all collectively decide to pretend like 311 never existed?

If anyone's an all-out heavy this season, at least thus far, it's Mike Milligan. Dodd, as you say, is too petulant to qualify. Now, maybe Bulo will show himself to be the evil genius you suggest, rather than a replaceable factotum, but I don't see any signs of it so far.

That's a fair point. I suppose I took that to signify that Bulo's KC's point man, the face of the organization in this acquisition; nothing more than that.

The first time we meet him, he's giving a presentation to his bosses, and he's more than a little nervous about it.

I mean, I think I gave enough info to disambiguate, but honestly, you're better off not knowing.

Remember LFO? The "I like girls who wear abercrombie & fitch" assholes?

Brian Philips is one of my favorites from Grantland (mostly because of his tennis writing; he, Louisa Thomas, & Rembert Browne made that place sneaky-good for tennis coverage). And I can definitely see him being on the same wavelength as Teti.

There were some very fine moments in this episode—-the beginning, I thought, was very affecting, and Brett Butler was perfectly weird—-but overall it was more reminiscent of the tone of the first season, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. (I don't think that's a good thing, btw.) Maybe it's the feeling of

As someone who occasionally looks into the abyss of the "alt-right" (I preferred it when they were going by "Dark Enlightenment;" it sounded so gothy!), I can sort of understand the thought process behind publishing it, but … no. It was a horrible idea, and they were right to unpublish.

Honestly, I'm surprised police departments haven't tired to quarter cops in people's residences.

Oh, well if he means it in the Lacanian sense …

"Their original programming makes me want to kill myself."

Has the GM informed him he's not allowed to give $125 million to anyone on 1st?

That is a terrible opinion, and you're a goddamn monster for even holding it, much less writing it in a public forum.

Look at the dumbass who thinks Frege taught English at an Ivy!

Look, I've got a name to live down to, bub.


Actually, I live in Pennsylvania, so … no, that's still accurate.

In fairness, the asshole who cut me off had PA plates.

I flipped my rented moving truck on a West Virginia highway because I had to brake hard to avoid hitting a guy who cut me off. (After the fact, it was abundantly clear I should've just hit the fucker.) Other than the fact that I was pinned in the thing until the rescue crew could get there—-my thigh was caught between