Hegel Exercises

Yeah; I should add he wasn't at all bothered by the difference in reading. Actually, he loved it.

According to Fuller in his post-mortem w/HitFlix, your read of Bedelia at the end (which was also my read) is not what he intended. Someone else set that table, and set it for three.

Different strokes for different folks, man. It's fine for you to dislike Hannibal, just like I'm never gonna waste my time on these shitty SyFy shows whose names I can't even keep straight, let alone their shopworn premises or CW-castoff actors.

I've said it before, but AV Club will always be OK in my book because it's the place that convinced me that, hey, maybe this show isn't the hot flaming garbage pile you'd expect 'Red Dragon/SotL prequel on NBC' to be. Spotlighting good things (or, in this case, one AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING thing*) that you'd maybe miss

Bonobos don't believe in affirmative consent?! Savages!

You know what? You're right!

Why can't we be more like the bonobos?

If Polanski defenders didn't exist, we would have to create them.

That's not how this works.

I binged it this summer.

I think I'd managed to block out the fact that he was even in that movie. Uggh. The Worst.

I went to see that movie with a friend who was writing his dissertation on the Parmenides; he came out looking like he'd just stubbed his toe for two straight hours. (I didn't think much of it myself.)

You don't know what I find sexy!

I think that was intentional; everything the reader can gather about Dolarhyde's appearance to that point is filtered through his own self-image; Reba's description of him—-which includes iirc being built like a linebacker—-is, I think, meant to be a shock. I also think it's meant to be more authoritative.

Double applause if it turns out the new Souxsie & the Banshees song that's going to feature in the finale is their rendition of "Heartbeat."

Manhunter is—-or was, as of a few months ago, at least—-on Netflix.

Coming from a big public university—-with more than its share of its own special kind of d-bags—-being around, and then especially teaching, Vandy kids was definitely a bit of a culture shock. (This was about a decade ago, when the Daughters of the Confederacy-named residence hall fiasco was happening; that was its

Or was Kramer playing Steven Snell, which would make Mad About You exist in the same universe as Murphy Brown?

Just be aware that their martinis were probably 2:1 gin-to-vermouth, as opposed to the 'waft an open vermouth bottle in the vicinity of a glass of gin' version that dominates these days.

Jeez, spoiler alert!