Hegel Exercises


I've got an ultra-Irish last name. I'd gladly trade up to something a little less 'faith and begorrah', if some unfortunate woman ended up marrying me.

I gave Rectify a long look (watched the first season, plus maybe a third of the second), and … I just couldn't get into it. Fine performances, pretty cinematography, etc., etc., but watching felt like such a chore that, despite the glowing praise from almost everyone I know with an opinion I respect, I gave up on it.

Does everyone not know about IAFD? I feel like everyone should already know about IAFD.

I'm quite literally the last person who should be giving advice on how to deal with depression, since I've more or less let my own make an utter shambles of my life going on, oh, 5 or 6 years now, so … I'm not going to give any.

It's not that the show needs to highlight it for the audience; it's that the show needs stronger characterization if it wanted to portray Frank as hiding behind a (poorly constructed) facade of verbosity. Especially when lines like 'blue balls in my heart' and 'everything is fucking' give the distinct impression that

I absolutely think the stitled dialogue was intentional, and that that choice—-or taking it as far as they did, or not leavening it, or not having anyone else in the show mention how preposterous he sounds—-was a total botch on the writers' part.

Good news: you're safe.

Thanks for the perspective. I should also add that I've got a weird, under-motivated, but very strong dislike for Felicity Huffman, so I was probably never going to be able to give a fair shake.

Anyone read the ESPN piece about him & his atheism recently? On the one hand, despite being a fervent non-believer myself, I'm generally uninterested in 'it's so hard to be an atheist!' stories (because, c'mon now). On the other, it's hard for me to think of a social context where atheism would cause more alienation

This is pretty much where I'm at. Serialized anthologies seem like an awesome concept waiting for someone to come along and really nail the execution over multiple seasons.

Oh, if she'd bought it? Yeah, that'd be episode-ruining nonsense, right there.

I thought the finale continued the mostly solid run of episodes in the season's back-half, and found the conclusion satisfying—-if marred by the show's typically clumsy handling of anything resembling gravitas—-but, man, did the episode ever make it tough for me to take it seriously when Frank was trying to Harry &

Give the man this much: he does a mean red herring.

It has been for a while, in my book, though I'm behind on The Americans, and haven't watched YtW. Also, Justified ending is a big loss for me, and their new non-Fargo dramas have been not great. Still, Archer, Sunny, and Louie by themselves might be enough to get them the top spot.

People, people; the words mean the same thing! Haven't we learned anything from 'flammable' and 'inflammable'?

Nine months? Oh, you sweet, summer child.

"Perfectly counter-intuitive" is exactly right.


Forget it, man. No one understands THAC0.