Hegel Exercises

Ha; nah. It's fine. That's why I said 'if you want to be fussy', as opposed to 'correct'.

Whom to be mad at. You don't know whom to be mad at. (You don't know at whom to be mad, if you want to be fussy.)

In fairness to them, it's a pretty great name. Just phonetically, I mean; it's enjoyable to say. (Compare 'Hamilcar'; dude really did his son a solid.)

More shows should have 6-8 episode seasons.

Yeah, I definitely found that to be an annoyance with Peaky Blinders, and it doesn't get any better as the series goes on.

It's like the safety valve theory of porn.

Retroactive? I know darkwave was a contemporary genre name in the 90's at least, and a quick google inclines me to think it's not very much younger than 'goth' as a descriptor.

A friend of mine is attending the screening w/Fuller in LA. When this meant that she got to watch the start of the arc in Fuller's company, this was merely painful to me. But now, that this also means she sees it two days* in advance?

She's not the only one!

Look, I can't speak for anyone else, but this article basically sums up my problem with the gays.

Starring Warren Beatty, right?

"Technically, that makes him a hebephile" - a guy who's probably a pedo.

People still read Salon?

Xenaphon just wants to know if there'll be Persians.

Same thing as 'louche'.

Ray's boy grows up to be the green-eared spaghetti monster. Time is a flat circle, man.

Jesus, did that really happen? I missed that somehow.

Look, I don't think this show is all that great, but c'mon, it's better than 9/11.

Yeah, I understand the reasons for concern, and you might prove prescient there, but I guess I have the sense that reworking and expanding on that familiar material, especially in light of all the changes to the Will/Hannibal dynamic versus the book/movies, is going to be the show's sweet spot. There's a well-plotted

I think I may have made a comment in each and every review on just that subject. I've never been so entranced by an upper lip.