Hegel Exercises

Well, people today are evidently pansies compared to our 14th c. forebears. Losing 2% of the population?! Kid stuff!

I guess the idea behind putting it three years ahead is, first, that there is a real tension between those who want to move on and those who can't or refuse to (it's hard to imagine a politician saying "Everyone's ready to move on" on the one year anniversary); and, second, the fact that nothing else has happened on

I don't think they really did, actually, but up-voted for the Voegelin reference anyway.

But it can't be the Rapture! They didn't even take the good Pope!

If flying off to Europe with Scully isn't going to Heaven, I don't know what is.

This show needs more antlers growing out of people's backs.

We're all much more concerned about your opinion on Girls.

That guy is my favorite! If I remember right, the first time he says it, he does so kind of nonchalantly, and then starts into the bell-tower version. It's amazing.

You're SUPPOSED to be thinking, "Hey, that's a little unfair."

There was some interview with Pizzolatto where he was asked about how seriously we're supposed to take the things Rust is saying, and P. responds by saying, basically, these are Very Serious Ideas, and Rust is saying things that were said by Very Serious Thinkers.

Oh, man. Now I want an anthology series set in Twin Peaks.

Reading the Hawley walkthrough didn't exactly engender a lot of confidence; the Mike/Marge meeting was the most egregious example, but in general I didn't get the sense that he had an idea beyond putting together a well-made, Coen-ish pastiche.

You can tell because of all the tortured similes.

I found that a persistent and maddening feature of a lot of early reviews. I thought it was pretty clearly a 'philosophy as biography' move, and a well done version of it, at that.

I completely agree about True Detective losing something in its final act. I'm pretty sure what it lost was the structure that the different time-frames provided; once everything was taking place in 2012, it felt more slack, less electric.

So much of what makes Ozymandias great is everything that came before it—as the tragic climax of a five season story, it's practically unmatched in its achievement, as far as I'm concerned. But taken in itself, as a single episode? I don't know, it's hard to look at the episode that way. Maybe it's not as good, in

I'm going to guess that Malvo had no more legal right to be in that house than Gus did.

Non-cantankerous didn't have quite the same ring to it.

Truth. Michael Bradley needs to not play like utter shit again, first and foremost.

If CLE takes Embiid, I'd bet my bottom dollar that he turns out to be Oden 2.0. If they take Wiggins, he'll turn out to be the wilting flower his critics accuse him of being. If they take Parker, he'll be … I dunno; ok, I guess? I don't know much about Parker.