Hegel Exercises

As iron-clad as his dominance at RG has been, I don't think we can just pencil Nadal in for 3 more titles there. One, sure; two, maybe; three? I guess I think when the back starts acting up, that's usually a sign that age has put a player on the downward arc.

I don't think he'll quite manage it; if he'd have won the Australian this year, maybe he would've had a shot. But at this point he's not only (just barely) older than Federer was when he won his 14th, but he's got a lot more hard miles in the legs—not to mention, as we're starting to see, the back—than Fed did by the

Yeah, I'm only a casual NBA fan, and generally root against dynasty-type teams, but the hypercriticism makes me want to see LeBron lay waste to the Spurs for 3 more games.

I mostly tuned out of early-aughts men's tennis precisely because I had no interest in seeing which schlub Federer would disassemble for his titles, and it's gotten to that point with Nadal/Djokovic. A little ironic, considering it was Nadal's emergence as a real, capable challenger to Federer that got me watching

It's clear the subject matter of the show buys it a lot of goodwill in your eyes; a lot more than it buys in mine. For me, major expository challenges may help excuse some of the cheaper, lazier character beats the show's indulged in so far, but sooner or later (strike that—just 'sooner') it needs to put up one entire

I mean, maybe I'll put up with a single ream. Maybe. But (a) I don't need a drama about a BIOS chip badly enough to put up with multiple reams, and (b) the show already told us it's not about the thing, but the thing that the thing allows you to get, and there are versions of how that's done that make the chip into a

… because he was the Wiz in Seinfeld.

In fairness, I think our reviewer's right—the wife's displeasure seemed to be a function of professional rather than sexual jealousy, which, hey, thank god. But this is the second week in a row they've pulled the same maneuver: feint toward a bullshit, bog-standard depiction of the TV wife, then dart toward a slightly

I didn't care much for this episode—the moment Scoot didn't tell his wife Cameron's a woman, my critical charity reserves dropped to zero—but I'll stick with it for another few weeks, at least. Sometimes young shows throw in clunkers.

Yeah, nobody beats him.

We're told that Tony is from Cincinnati. I mean, maybe in the OB-verse, Canada conquered Ohio, or decided to rename, I dunno, Edmonton because Cincinnatus was a pretty kick-ass Roman after all.

I actually didn't think this episode was too bad, until post-time jump—where, admittedly, you need to do some expository work to catch the audience up. But throughout the season, I think the main culprits have been Bill's stupidity in handling Lester's case (and Molly's ineffectual efforts to change his mind) and

Yeah, nice call-back. Except where Chigurh was staring up at the ceiling with psychotic intensity, Malvo was looking down at the ground with a satisfied half-smile.

Oh, come off it. I like Fargo a lot, but for a limited run, 10-episode season, there's been a lot of wheel-spinning and filler. Maybe this is just a place where the comparison to the movie is unavoidable and unflattering ("All the same plot and character beats, in quintuple the run-time!"), but I've had an

Yeah, it's a pretty light pickling, and still very fresh tasting—a little vinegar, a little sugar, a little salt, and while it can keep for awhile, it's ready after an hour. It's nothing like the long pickled vegetables we usually get, or something like kimchi.

Every banh mi recipe I've ever seen has called for pickled carrot & daikon—but they're pickled for a few hours at most.

Damn you, Hurricane Jasmine Forsyth. Damn you straight to hell.

I thought there was also a bit of Arya letting go of the whole notion of a homecoming behind it, which makes it a nice parallel for her sister's developments.

I don't think there's anything wrong with observing that there's a touch of wish fulfillment behind the Manic Pixie Dream Programmer.

She worked with him on the 'Symphony' thing, right? So, yeah, that does bode well. Or better, at least, than it might otherwise bode. It'd bode better still if that weren't a note they felt the need to hit in the first place.