Hegel Exercises

Is anybody going to answer any of these?! I'm trapped in a bog of confusion over here …

I've been stridently anti-'mouth feel' ever since I happened across the phrase to refer to a supposed quality of beer, but the matter-of-factness of Braugher's delivery immediately made me change my mind.

"There there … there."

Yes! Nothing better signifies my SES than my shitty, years-old flip phone.

That was a fine episode … I guess. I mean, I don't know. I just don't feel the same spark. Maybe I'm the one who's changed?

She should really consider a bonobo.

I feel like we're on the same page, you and me.

"I bet Taye Diggs showed just enough inner thigh in that bedroom scene to produce some hilarious complaints to the FCC"

It's a whole other thing. I love those other two, but Continental Breakfast was just such weird perfection.

I don't know what 'intentionalist morality' is supposed to mean, but if it's something like 'assessing moral worth according to the mere intention or wish of an actor', then that's not Kant.

I'm looking forward to flipping to Sixers/Heat during game 6 commercial breaks and laughing maniacally. UNLEASH TANKADELPHIA!

I think you're probably right that it had to err on the side of on-the-nose, and I also probably would've enjoyed it even more had it not plucked characters from existing films. That having been said, I still thought it was great—one of the best things I've seen on SNL in awhile.

As a fan of a team that wildly overpaid for a slugger whose stats were already showing serious decline, the thing is — for what price would you want to have him?

Every so often, Buck will say something, often in an effort to sound hip, that's just utterly and egregiously grating. The rest of the time? He's just fine. Just fine.

I'm not going to wade through all the comments (damn you, nuDisqus! *shakefist*) to discover which one of you geniuses came up with "Frank-incest," but whoever it was — you're the absolute tops. I'd retire from internet commenting if I came up with that one.

I was sorta meh on the Leslie/Donna business, and the Tom/April stuff would've been horrible except for HOLYFUCKMASLANY, but everything about Ron needing to get a will was fan-fucking-tastic — best thing P&R has done in ages.

Yeah, that's absolutely the best.

Anyone who says "the masses" is the worst.

Zaniacs everywhere ecstatic!

Well, unrealistic, sure.  And the way the transition from 'We know you're trying to break us up' to 'Hey, let's listen to what you have to say, Schmidt' was pretty … indifferently handled.