Hegel Exercises

Yeah, it's maybe the first really good one I've read.  (I haven't read them all, though.)  It's clear that it's not that he just thinks this song sucks, but that it really gets under his skin.  And 'get under your skin' is an interesting reaction, worth talking about, worth thinking about.

Yeah, the way they framed the shot, the focus seemed to be on the phone … and then the knife comes out.  I didn't put it together with Flynn making the 911 call, though; good catch.

Yeah, I have absolutely no doubt that this is the correct explanation.  I'm frankly at a loss to figure how anyone can think otherwise.  Was he tapping into resentment?  Sure.  But you don't insist on your own sole culpability — in clear contradiction to the facts they both know to be true — while stifling your tears

Well that was another disappointing episode.

Because they're obviously asking Hank & Gomie to reach for the badges so they take their hands off their guns.  Obviously.

@avclub-9b3d616efffb52751fd968db82ece52a:disqus Oh, no doubt — though there's the confounding effect in war that it turns out that soldiers (especially conscripted soldiers) aren't actually too keen on killing other people, and are often quite happy to shoot anywhere but at living human beings.  (Thankfully, the

It wasn't hackish, exactly … but it depends a lot on viewers buying into two things: that the money (or what it stands for) is a HUGE blindspot for Walt, and that he simply cannot conceive of the possibility of Jesse working with law enforcement.  The former's pretty easy to buy into, I think, but the latter's tough

@avclub-01e8318c286a584caffbb596a95652d2:disqus Between this and Always Sunny, everything's coming up Huell!

I think it's pretty clear that Hank cared far, far more about getting to slap the cuffs on Walt than about building a case that'll stick in court.

How about organizing a trip to the shooting range, though, y'know?

That crew is very creepy when it comes to women.

Yeah, he was … Devil, maybe?  Boyd's (also white supremacist) sidekick.  He's really stretching by dealing in meth instead of oxy in this one.

I recently finished Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, and I was just floored.  There's no way a book about a guy with no great merit or distinction doing more or less nothing up at a sanatorium for the better part of a decade should be as captivating as it is.  I was even more taken aback because I'd tried to read it

As always, German provides you a word that's both precise and romantic: Lebensgefährtin.

In Hinkie we trust.

Not if Philadelphia and Orlando have anything to say about it.

In my long experience, I've found florid self-deprecation to be the key to successful bullshit.


More likely, it was perfunctorily investigated, and the results of that investigation were swept under the rug by officials who didn't want to run afoul of Santi Sr., who I guess has a very profitable chain of bibliotecas?  I don't know; I kind of missed what that family's deal was, except that the one sister thinks

I'd pay that price.