Hegel Exercises

Annie's song was hilarious.  "What's dimi [senseless babbling]?"  The musical tree at the end was funny, too.

After the aggressive mediocrity of Modern Family, the Glengarry reference & DJ Alex Haley almost single-handedly restored my faith in sitcoms.

C-, because I'm feeling generous.


On the one hand, the middle run of episodes this season was so good, it's hard not to extend the show a generous line of credit in the face of the batshit insanity that suffused this episode.

You should've stuck to Arrested Development reruns.

This is the Pitchfork I remember.


What was that kick-ass song during Tig's escape, anyway?  Because it was pretty kick-ass.

The easy half, lemme tell you.

And people tell me you'll never learn anything on the AV Club.

I think we can all agree that it wasn't suspense suspense.

There's a fine line between chewing the scenery because the character's aware of himself as an actor on history's stage, and just plain chewing the scenery.

Manny's giving AR a run for his money on the "most badass Jew on BE."

I'm pretty sure they were in a funeral home in Belfast, and that red liquid was blood.

I don't think I've ever seen her perform live when she wasn't seriously off-key for a good portion of the song.  Mind, that's like, I dunno, 3 or 4 TV appearances, but still.

They're telling human stories in a fantasy world!

But he didn't just not want to take care of it, right?  I thought he was supposed to be genuinely put off by having the thing around him.

I like Community a lot.  I've seen pretty much every episode, I think (most of them only once, though), and I generally enjoy it.  I hope its hiatus is only a hiatus!  And if I haven't been as gung-ho about this season, hey, tastes vary, and that's OK.

I don't wanna nitpick on this episode — Jeff Goldblum & Sarah Silverman, ferfucksakes!! — but when Kevin was all wigged out because of the guinea pig in the beginning, I was like, "Shit.  Here we go again."