Haha, man it’s so awesome to win these petty personal battles! Lord knows I hope Shapiro enjoys it, because they’re not fucking winning anything else - not even 81 games - until 2024.
Haha, man it’s so awesome to win these petty personal battles! Lord knows I hope Shapiro enjoys it, because they’re not fucking winning anything else - not even 81 games - until 2024.
but have you considered VUVUZELA
sir this is a wendy’s
Ballmer owning a team in an off-city would look something like Utah or the Raptors; Buss owning a team in an off-city would be the Bobcats (I mean Bobcats, not Hornets, not even that good)
I don’t know who it was exactly, but some of the people who work on cruises are basically indentured servants from a certain Southeast Asian country supporting entire families back home. Look the other way. If you get in shit, you’re back home and your family doesn’t eat.
Al Davis, 70s: Lenin
It may end up being the worst contract that was not signed at the barrel of a gun/gunboat
It’s not just the shitty teams in shitty cities: there’s an argument to be made that teams like Utah/Toronto/Dallas that have mostly done everything right and tend to just act as farm teams for the bigger franchises. No one told them they’d be the Villareal or Real Betis of the NBA
I was fine with Kawhi leaving to a team that was just as well managed and just as well funded as the Raptors (except home, obviously). If after all this he took less money to go play for the fucking Jeanie Buss Lakers, I’d be fine with MLSE eventually selling the team, because lol if he isn’t gonna stay, who is? Why…
It’s really hard to lay out in a single internet comment, but if you have the time, there’s a lot of information in the following story that might tell you why Dallas is considered unattractive to black professionals: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/2012/may/why-young-black-professionals-are-wary-of-d…
Americans seem to have an issue with that.
Compare Houston to Dallas for the core demographic of the NBA and you have your answer (incidentally, Boston will ALSO have this problem forever)
as someone who has been dropped on my head, I too have a hard time seeing how the billion dollar company whose owners spend their money against gay rights might be seen as anti-gay. thanks for speaking out for me
See you guys in about November!
doesn’t this guy have a shady Iranian cult to take money from
tbf Milwaukee is a special case. As of now it is the most segregated city in the US, and NBA players have been assaulted/had the cops called on them for Being Black In The Suburbs
(and are often further left as most Cons here wouldn’t dream of challenging single payer healthcare or abortion rights)
Hundreds of thousands of Canadians opened their sports page, saw where the Jays were, and agree with you wholeheartedly
I got the impression the actual total is around ~890,950 (original odometer went to 200 + current odometer value of 690,950)
It’s got far more in common with the earlier Fire Emblems than it does with the later ones - hence, the lack of balance and lack of refinement. The issues I remember are: