
See also: MLMs

Direct flights to Seattle/proximity to multiple elite universities?

Keep telling yourself that and keep wondering why conservatives, who don’t live in some stupid Harry Potter fantasy, nominate judges who are well below retirement age and play to make sure judges are replaced with other judges at the appropriate time.

Yeah I tried to look into where they’re playing in 2019 and all I could find was a shrug emoji. In all likelihood they will try to play in Oakland b/c moving costs money and would trigger a lawsuit, which also costs money, which Mark Davis doesn’t have, because he fucking gave it all to a guy who plays a successful

that doesn’t work because average nfl contract length is far shorter. this isn’t “the process”, it’s a football ponzi scheme

Man, what is their pitch for season tickets for 2019 gonna look like. “Come watch a bunch of UDFAs, rookies, and min vets try to avoid 0-16?”

the irony is a lot of this can be clamed on Obama: dismantling ACORN and the GOTV machine and losing state offices and seats leaves them with a barren, barren bench. When Cuomo dreams of being President...

Here’s a sports analogy: a 24 ft shot is 3 pts, and a 23 ft shot is 2 pts. Is that “fair” from a mathematical standpoint? Nope. Does it matter? Does everyone know this? Can you blame the refs for taking a whole bunch of 21 and 22 pt shots but not getting 2 1/2 points?

As a black LGBT man he’s high up enough on “the list” to not see this as a joke. If you thought that things were always going to be improving and politics didn’t really matter because the GOP was dying out... and then saw that they’re willing to do Redemption Part II to stay in power... 

You sure do write like Derrick Rose. 

That’s the crazy thing. In the US they know better and don’t fall for this stuff. We sell out Roy Thompson Hall for him.

there was also the time, like less than 10 years ago, where it took a concerted media campaign online and offline to get reddit to stop hosting a CP subreddit

1. He came at a very high cost (10 million IIRC)

Mark Davis said they want to be like that hockey team in the desert, but failed to specify which one.

it’s funny, for all the talk about how poor people are promiscuous/have poor morals/etc. they’re basically just like us. 

Apathetic/asleep at the wheel in the way that William Clay Ford was. That’s a bad place to be. Notice how the Lions have been something resembling a professional football team ever since someone who gave a shit (Martha Ford) took power?

with more sasse

Their predecessor ran Alberta for 40 years until the economy tanked/the oil price went down. They’re definately getting elected next year.

... Alberta has an actual economy. Remember, Irvingland exists

Shitting on Quebec out of context? FOUND THE ALBERTAN!