
Some people found Jesus when Trump was elected. They realized “oh shit, things can get real”

And that was part of the whole system - if slavery didn’t exist, and poor whites and poor black people realized the landed gentry were exploiting them both... and the white Americans were no longer able to say “well at least I’m not a ni-”

one of the main purposes of a fraternity is to network with people who are in power, and, well, you don’t find many of those in the black fraternities I’d imagine

when I see a man living with his partner in Brazil, willing to discuss LGBT issues in an increasingly intolerant country and yelling bloody murder about a black activist being killed by the military in Rio, I say: “hell no”

As a Black man, I don’t like her because she’s a card carrier for the establishment Democratic party which has shown time and fucking time again that they’ll throw us under the bus whenever push comes to shove and basically expects us to vote for them because we’re not the howling lunatic racist party. Strangely, it

The area he’s from, Cole Harbour, is basically known for segregation and rolling race riots every 20 years. I mean, it’s like saying a baseball player is from a Deep South suburb. You don’t know, but you kinda already know.

well, Robert Mercer has a 2 million dollar model train set. make of that what you will

Not slavishly devote himself to Mi Abuela, or pretend that she could do no wrong.

My unfortunate experience is that some feel they can take liberties because “we’re the same” and do things they’d never do to white clients (you bet your ass they’d bother to align stuff and try to complete the project in a reasonable time frame).

Excellent tag. :)

This is not r/futurology or r/space. Every other car manufacturer, every other person involved in the automotive industry, knew that Musk was full of shit. But people like you, fanboys, kept hyping him up.

... pretending that Korea was a democracy before 1986 is a biiit of a stretch. you can at least say it wasn’t one until 1979

Or they do know he’s not coming back but don’t want to take shots at Kawhi and damage what little leverage they have to trade him. It could also impact their ability to sign free agents in the future. So they’re being careful about what they say, either way.

Not like there’s a huge cautionary tale about what could happen to him just this fucking season am I right?

Jeez. Given his “legal background”, if that’s the kind of work he’s getting regularly he’s done very well for himself.

... according to Cohen Trump hasn’t paid him back for the alleged payment to Stormy Daniels

You went to law school for this?

dated a black women for 2 years

Don’t lump baseball in with that crap