
Charlie Pierce is an exception, but is he really a sportswriter?

Excellent summary. May’s campaigning, however, has been unbelievably bad. Her main policies so far are legalizing a rich Tory sport where dogs tear foxes apart and forcing people with dementia to sell their houses to pay for their care. She frequently U-turns on policy. She has avoided all debates even going so far as

Fake news, Rodrigo calls everyone a son of a whore

Ahh, No Funswick.

“For every one blue collar voter we lose in the rust belt, we will pick up two conservative Republican women in the suburbs!”

Yes. Democrats need to realize the voters they need aren’t the GOP, they’re the people who just stopped caring/didn’t vote. It’s not about the people who went “Obama -> Trump”, but “Obama -> Couch”. Or who voted for all other positions and left the presidency blank.

I really want to meet the person who decided on the terms “rod” and “bushing” for the associated mechanical components, and why they have placed high school technical drafting and machine shop teachers in such an awkward situation for 100+ years

Eagles have a QB who showed some promise and can be worked with (and wasn’t Goff... ).

Trump’s bullshit about imported German cars

This is the correct response. “Yeah sure, we’ll get around to making all the engines just like the good old days again!” *wait four years*

A large number of unemployed people has never led to any problems or social conflict in history, no siree.

Uber is running the biggest and best anti-Uber smear campaign, these guys can’t even compete.

“Move fast and break copyright laws”


Do you remember what compact cars were like before their manufacturing (and in particular design) was done by Ford Europe?

I used to think that the “I don’t use social media” crowd was largely sanctimonious/hating on the new generation, a thing as old as Plato, but based on how much time people waste on it and how it unconsciously and consciously manipulates our thoughts and feelings and can even manipulate elections (Cambridge Analytica

I think he might be joking. :) It’s always 7700 kg/m^3 (not sure how much that is in freedom units) or a bit more for SS 304 type stuff.


You have it right, that choice is typically made for you.