The last line in this story really hits home. We can definately go back there if we aren’t careful.
The last line in this story really hits home. We can definately go back there if we aren’t careful.
I can’t really wrap my mind around this thing. Someone turned a 80's mustang into this? I mean if you want a 2000's (5th gen) Mustang so bad just buy one... don’t awkwardly attempt to custom build one and then half-ass it by the time you get to the rear end of the car...
I’d say they’re more like a Blake Bortles: putting up huge numbers (winning huge in NY, CA, etc.) when the game’s already been lost.
And when we engage with them, we do it like anthropologists studying a less advanced culture (because they are, duhhhh)
This is the most likely explanation. People forget that “money hungry family” isn’t just an inner-city thing.
Ask him what the senators who lost (Ayotte/Kirk/Portman) had in common. They opposed Trump. When Ryan opposed Trump after the “grab them by the p**** tape” his rating dropped like a stone too.
Why not all three?
Compared to what came before him he’s been pretty good. I think if anything he might get kicked upstairs before actually being fired just because he is literally the first decent HC they’ve had in years.
You’re asking why the players from the league that calls PK Subban “ungrateful” and “immature”, where players brag about their “puck bunnies”, and praises Don Cherry as a cultural icon might have absolutely no problem with racism and misogyny?
but where else am I going to hear jokes about women drivers and post shit from my email forwards?!
The government doesn’t have to bail you out if you fail because hundreds of thousands of people depend on you?
Yeah, it’s basically the model for “sustainable service industry practices”. The CEO’s political statements may not be sharp but what he does in practice is, IMHO, more important.
Bookies and hardcore fans. Now that hockey/basketball are back on, expect ratings to fall further. When your choice is between watching the Cavs or Penguins (or whatever) vs. watching a sloppy sluggish meaningless* NFL game...
They pretended the Croatian UDH weren’t Slavs with some thin rhetoric to argue that they were white IIRC, and nominally supported the Azad Hind as well.
yeah, Lurie has a PhD in social policy from Brandeis, I’d put him in the “boring” tier (unless that’s your thing, in which case all power to you)
Well I found this pretty amusing. It’s basically a sports version of one of those old Roger Ebert bad movie reviews.
The two are almost mirror images: Nixon started from a lower middle class background and rose as far as he could go through determination and spite, whereas Trump started from the top and blew it all many times over.
Marla has an NDA, as reported in the Guardian’s piece on Trump’s history with women yesterday.
Carlyle is back coaching again, on the Ducks. Roy will probably replace Therrien (sounds farfetched, but remember Montreal’s “unique linguistic requirements” for coaches). Hockey has the strongest old boys network of any of the four major sports.