
@MannyBones: did you have to proceed to flip through them quickly to see the animation?

They shoulda submitted it for the chrome video, now that's using the cloud.

I guess it's nice that iTunes deletes your music for you even if you don't want it to, I know my android would never do that to me, I mean I have to manually go onto the device and delete the music to get rid of it forever.

@D4rkSoRRoW: I agree, I just get annoyed by iTunes.

@Maara: I actually avoid using my iPod anymore to listen to music, i just hate iTunes so much. I just plug my phone in, drop folders in there, and I call it good.

@baldbeaver: You would give $600 tickets to a friend....where do you live. I want to be your friend.

@onaclov2000: Note: had to reset my password to make above said comment....

Funny.....I didn't even know my password, now I don't know which sites I used "unknown password" on and which ones I need to change that unknown password......this should be interesting.

Two words..... Epic

I'm in.....any other tips to increase my chances of getting one of theses prototypes if not from Giz, then from Google? #chromenetbook

@Al Alexon: If Kevin Bacon uses it, well that's enough for me.

I have laggy keypresses on Google Docs, I just assumed it was my netbook, would be interesting to compare to the Chrome OS netbook to see if the laggyness is less.

@mumin: #correction hidden gizmodos...shhhshh where do you think you arre....

Interesting that Apple let this through, but complained that users might get "confused" by using google voice a short while back, this app appears to be identical to the iPhone calling app except purple....am I missing something?

@nastavirs: I assumed it meant in network calls were free, and since iPhone is only on At&t right now, well...they are automatically free

@Omar Beach: I agree completely, I can't stand overlay's that was the same thing I was looking at when I bought my G2, I didn't want an overlay, because I want what google has to offer, they seem to be doing a great job (more or less) and I want to stick to what they have, so when something better is out, I can get

@mikelb: I guess I don't know the interface, the only thing I can think of is if it's possible perhaps allow the OS to keep the same interface to any external components, but i don't believe that's what is happening, the problem is that the manufacturers are getting ahold of the source and modifying it to do what

@iseshan: I was under the impression the G2 doesn't have a custom overlay (although perhaps it does...) I think the only "custom" about it, is that it has some extra programs forced into the phone but I don't believe that would cause updates to not occur....but I'm not 100% certain about it.

2. Simultaneous Upgrades Across All Devices