Maybe she's the island with certain electromagnetic properties.
Maybe she's the island with certain electromagnetic properties.
@darkly: give me a screw driver....see what I did there.....yea, that just happened.
Ummm how does that work if you don't have a basement?
This works great with those quarter machines at monuments or tops of buildings or whatever (in case no one mentioned) — have fun
@veronykah: I have the same problem, I started finally eating Red Chile in New Mexico here, and bam now I have tons of heartburn whenever I have it.
@Reptar: are you a 14-17 yo girl?
@ri59: Engineering students should be the ones building the rice cookers/microwave/stovetop contraption that works better then anyone of them individually
@t3chn0v1k1ng: hmmm I would have to be the exact opposite....I couldn't care less (funny statement) about apple, but google's stuff I really am reliant on.
I'm tempted to use this for my wife and i, if only for the chores and bills section
@Follower46: I have to agree, however I wish I had a smart board, so I could just record all the stuff I'm writing...LOL
@Jaredu: No....they'll move them to the basement stapler....
@Don Vaillancourt: or now buy oracle.... :)
@Oranges w/ Cheese has 2 cats! ahahaha.: I'm not an artist, but maybe somehow embedding it in a painting, and it would be easy to put that as a "password hint" if there was a "login" page we had.....LOL This would require replacing the painting every 60 days though.... wink wink
@Oranges w/ Cheese has 2 cats! ahahaha.: I was actually thinking the same thing, laminate and hang on a hook in the guest bedroom. I was trying to think of a more creative way to post our wifi password in the house without a direct "here is password" but that fits in....that'll take some thinking...
@zoomos: Oddly enough, right desk drawer.
I really like the shelf. really cool looking
Does this just not even show up in results for the iPod Touches? I have searched a few times for this and can't seem to find this app.
Is this sold in the app store?
@DGTLHRT: is the sun the light from the scanner?
Since my comment is only existing in the "gallery" (I hate that the gallery has a different comments section then the article...but I digress) ..