
A Canadiens player complaining about flopping.

For fans in Montreal who may not be bilingual, P.A. announcements are made in English and French. The silence in that building, however, was understood by all.

Katana out of NOWHERE

No Joker in the lineup, guess he’s the villian

For real. If Tracy wants she can send “funny but too nice all the time” and “hot, but not deep” my way now that she’s done with them. God spare me from an armchair philosopher who’s always trying to rope you into three-hour conversations about spirituality and moral relativism. Find me a nice shallow guy who likes to

You’re not his mom. That’s what he wants, from that description—all the love and cuddles, none of the grown up life.

YES. I dated this guy and it drove me NUTS. He was pathologically afraid of expressing an opinion about anything—where to eat, what movie to watch, ANYTHING. I remember being in a video store (ahhh, those long lost halcyon days) and we’d narrowed it down to two movies. I was perfectly willing to watch them both, so I

She is like the living apotheosis of the American Dream: shit rolls uphill into lavish and incredible salaries

Nice is what you call a generally unoffensive person lacking in any outstanding qualities.

Does this mean we can call this campaign Carly Fiorina 2: Demon Sheep Boogaloo?

I agree 100% with your first paragraph. People will put up with the worst kind of shit if they feel a person is “right” for them. They don’t question it to the point of walking away. They have doubts but always stop short of walking away or putting the brakes on things.

As a longtime married, who would marry my husband all over again, I’ve learned something really important:

“Funny but too nice all the time.”

+1 Butterfly in the sky

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

Once again, Kate McKinnon is the only one not phoning it in.

There are a couple of things that immediately come to mind for me. First, in some circles it’s customary to donate for funeral costs or the future of the family. “In lieu of donations” is one way to specify that people’s immediate financial assistance isn’t necessary, but the family would still get some comfort from

I’m sure these people are in complete shock. Deciding to demean people as rich assholes less than 24 hours after a loved one dies is poor form. Let people of any economic class decide how they want to mourn, deal with their grief.

“My closest adviser is my wife. It’s nice to have one of the smartest people in business as your life partner, and someone you have dinner with and breakfast with.”

The missus smacked me around a bit for the 3rd time in our 17 year marriage -i never even raised a finger -ever!