“Special Snowflake”......Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me. Don’t melt friend.
“Special Snowflake”......Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me. Don’t melt friend.
Obama is/was a.Constitutional Law Scholar...
Oh yeah I wold totally rather have today’s NBA, no question. Because today’s NBA is...good basketball.
god knows that girl was asking for it.
Why is he not in the Hall of Fame again?
Click bait much? So he didn’t actually HAVE A brain injury, he was already injured and Tillery kicked him. Dirty? Absolutely. But let’s not be so overdramatic.
Well, Obamacare also forced many Americans who had decent insurance to switch to an Obamacare plan that was worse than what they previously had and cost significantly more to boot. Obamacare has hurt more people than it has benefited.
Perhaps Trump will do a good job. Who knows......
I did it for the lolz.
It’s. As. If. Your. Every. Step. Is. The. First. Step. Over. The. Cliff.
Another Trump Nation random act of kindness FTW!
While I have friends who did their med school in Cuba, acknowledge the role he played in supporting Mandela (to a large degree because he wanted to tweak the nose of the US any way he could) and agree that US policy in Latin America has often been a disaster, I have little sympathy for someone who executed 5000…
No, you understand the situation perfectly.
Since he owns the company, can’t he just let them have the floor for free? I know he won’t, but I think he could if he wanted to.
Jill Stein is a fucking clown and should not be encouraged. If Trump lost and tried this, we’d all see it for the desperate, divisive, and dangerous waste of millions of dollars that it is
Trump won because of Clinton. Nothing more, nothing less. The Republicans have been gearing up for Clinton’s run for more than 8 years, they’ve spent that time attaching her name to a series of scandals in the public eye. Some of it was even valid. In addition she’s the epitome of the insider in a contest where…
That along with 3 dollars is worth about 3 dollars.
all news says the markets just keep going up
So, while I would love to see the dethroning of Trump ... how is this different than what the governor of North Carolina is doing right now, that every liberal (including myself) is lambasting as an affront to democracy? Or the rhetoric we criticized Trump for throwing around before the election?
I have to take issue with the sentence "and the Nazis being the horrible monsters of history that they are".