Oh of course. Why wouldn’t anyone think about how seeing other women being harassed affects YOU? Those selfish bitches.
Oh of course. Why wouldn’t anyone think about how seeing other women being harassed affects YOU? Those selfish bitches.
I don’t think manipulating a young girl and sexually assaulting her falls under the category of young-person mistakes that should be forgiven because of youth. Come on.
Honestly, no one has an “end game.” The commenters are a group of individuals from all over the place and many different backgrounds.
Oh shut up.
I haven’t heard “Europeans can’t be racist” specifically, but I have heard a lot of Europeans shit on Americans for being so much more racist than they are.
They aren’t innocent people to her... they’re ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and therefore are less-than-human.
Wow. She is truly detestable.
It was standard practice the entire time I worked for Panera to package up all of the leftover baked goods and premade sandwiches... we would load them into the trunk of shelter volunteers before we could leave for the night.
Almost as gross as the floor at Summit. Gag.
Ohhh one-eyed Jakes. All those bars in the ped mall are trouble.
Oh God. I bet when 911 operators in Iowa City hear “Sports Column” they shudder.
I love Tom Hiddleston too much to see this movie. I haven’t even seen Dark World because watching Tom Hiddleston in a movie practically gives me arrhythmia.
I can’t hate her as much as I want to because of 30 Rock. The “Queen of Jordan” episodes are some of the best.
I am teared up. No joke.
Are you the real Bilbo Baggins or are you just another hobbit?
It’s terrible. I saw it accidentally a few years ago and it made me cry and it haunts me to this day.
There IS a conspiracy that CNN is skewing things for Hillary...
So many people who don’t understand HIPPA...
Well... I really like cheese... so...
Such a great title, too! I want to cross stitch it, frame it, and hang it in my cube.