
Disney would have to be 100% certain that she’s lying before they let Wasser anywhere near a libel trial in advance of the next Pirates movie. Do you think they’re that certain? Are you? You have to be more than skeptical to be that certain that Depp didn’t victimize her. How you could be that certain in light of

Then again, by your logic, I’ll be skeptical she’s violated the NDA until a court says she has. Except extra skeptical, because we have no details of the terms of the NDA, and she’s had witnesses, bruises and pictures.

Laura Wasser knows how to file a libel suit. Let’s go. Depositions should be fun (and well cast). Please please please file it before the upcoming Disney press tour.

I’m curious why you seem to be suggesting that she’s done a bad thing by doing a PSA about domestic violence. How are PSAs about domestic violence bad things? How do they violate an NDA? By disclosing something? Even assuming a no-names PSA on a topic of public policy interest did disclose something, what has been

She decided to stick with the court of public opinion. I infer you don’t believe her. Many don’t. I do. Many do. She doesn’t seem to be backing down, and she’s keeping the settlement in the spotlight for as long as Depp doesn’t pay it, though she won’t see anything from it but the tax write-off. It’s a win

X-Men: Apocalypse; Jennifer Lawrence’s uncle.

I have no idea if that’s what the drivel meant, but I kind of hope not, because this guy seems like an insufferable nut, and I don’t want to be in agreement with him. And your takeaway basically sums up my reaction to Rogue One.

Yes. Oh god, I can only blame the grappa. Herzog, absolutely.

Apocalypse Now with Coppola. Cameron on The Abyss tortured both male and female leads. Kurosawa for Throne of Blood. Uwe Boll for Fitzcarraldo. No argument that it’s been historically, systemically easier to do it to women. But directors have been horrific assholes in all directions.

Seconded. I can sit stock still all day and my hair will find a way to tangle. I walk into the same room as a bottle of conditioner, and my hair becomes a limp lump. This stuff is seriously a miracle.

Seconded. I can sit stock still all day and my hair will find a way to tangle. I walk into the same room as a

If she has sensory/contact issues due to being on the spectrum, her father should be sensitive to that, and not push on it “for appearances”.

She didn’t care about the show, the character or Buffy’s fans ten years ago. Why would anyone have thought she’d have started since?

Huh. I’m curious about how he may rework “As Long As He Needs Me”.

You know what would have been really sweet of Angelina’s own ex-nanny? For her not to weaponize Angelina’s own childhood against her. Ugh.

That too. For years.

I could not hate Trump more if I were a spirit-being forged from pure animosity, but this statue is political speech, and should have every protection and defense that is accorded to political speech in this country.

That’s the thing, though—he never left the Pussy Posse/Wolfpack (blech). He’s still run with them this whole time. How he has supposedly managed to “behave himself” (or whether he has) while married to Meyer (the daughter of the Vice Chairman of NBCUniversal, btw) has been the subject of no little speculation over

Seems to me the tagger’s political speech does less to vandalize the walls of a historic government building than its defacement with Trump signage.

That’s fair. I have a serious inability to just let nonsense go when the bullshit concerns legal practice.

Ohhhh, I see. You help your clients practice for their depositions. You don’t help them prepare. Because that would be a HUGE gotcha. Luckily, litigators commonly refer to pre-deposition client meetings as “deposition practice” rather than “depo prep.”