
Now that Amazon sells Nintendo Digital Codes, will these $10 preorder discounts apply to those, or just the boxed copies?

Now that Amazon sells Nintendo Digital Codes, will these $10 preorder discounts apply to those, or just the boxed

Dope! I’ve been meaning to pick up both, AND SO I DID! <3

Dope! I’ve been meaning to pick up both, AND SO I DID! <3

Bouquet, my dear. B-u-c-k-e-t, bouquet.

Just because it’s your first job doesn’t mean you have to be so condescendingly defensive of your employer <3 <3 <3

poor sweet bby

Your privileged tears are delicious, plz keep crying them

...really dude? You scream and cry for people who don’t like certain specific elements of a given game to “just ignore it.” But there’s no similar expectation for you to “just ignore it,” when it comes to criticism you dislike? #JustPrivilegedThings

I was wondering if I was the only one thinking #2.

I think the people who wonder why they're playing on an N64 are forgetting that these guys were five years old when the game came out. For many of them this is literally reliving their childhood.

The things that you wrote and the way that you wrote them just make me so damn squee.


The offer to collaborate was from Pokemon Company, not Nintendo.

It baffles me when people complaining about shutdowns of remakes and fan translations claim that the ip owners are 'squash[ing] tge creativity of their fanbase'. Remaking someone else's game isn't 'creativity', making your own is! Which is why I'm glad to hear that these guys aren't acting all butthurt and insulted,

Lozzle 4 Viscount!

Do you guys not have anyone watching the Nintendo eShops? Bunch of Ubisoft games on sale through 7/7.