I dont know about that.
I dont know about that.
Buzzy knows the game and understands its pacing perfectly.
Alex Tre-BLACK
Mayim Bialik: “Prospect park in Brooklyn!” hehehehe
Mayim disrespected Verlinda and lost my love
he piped up today to say it was a dumb controversy
Workaholics is the only show that gave Mike Meyer’s legacy its proper retrospective examination
the flashes of brilliance in Andromeda only throw the tragedy of the rushed rest of the game into more contrast
the original article was popular in part because it was linked all over the right wing o sphere as an example of “cancel culture gone amok”
i think the book has aged ok but “seminal feminist work” is a fantastic joke
just from a practical perspective, she was giving the owner way more than $100 worth of marketing.
if tv club is looking for some new content writers, I am willing to do it for very competitive rates.
even when people who disagree with you get it right, they get it wrong
in the south and midwest?
most distracting part of the movie
in every place i’ve seen this mentioned (except twitter) the comments have rightfully pointed out that this is basically bullshit and a nothing “revelation.”
i think it’s more recognizing the reality that consumers do react to news like this by review bombing, regardless of it’s justified or not.
the licensed music became genuinely distracting
it’s part of the marketing
Disco Elysium’s writing really advances the medium of video games.