
so another reboot?

i always knew he was a douche but now im convinced steve jobs has a god complex.

how can they do spider-man with out mary jane? isnt she like a main character? also i love betty white but i dont see how shed be will smiths mother?

@The Curse of Millhaven: so the constellation program wasnt canceled? billions weren't thrown down the drain? o wait that stuff did happen... the US space program is pretty much dead even to get to space now we have to hope russia or china will let us tag along and YES you can thank obama for that.

umm wasnt is a democratic president (you know that guy who everyone thought was the messiah) the one who canceled a bunch of NASA programs and pulled most of their funding?

@Brandroid: just another excuse to crucify the GOP because only democrats love the planet o_0

i think it was just too soon for a 3D network i mean how many people really have 3D tvs and those that do prob dont have enough glasses for their buddies to watch football.

@RubiksCube: i dont think thats misspelled. it looks like the T and the R are combined the same way the M and the E are.

i must have done this by mistake already but now i know why the 3 world is unlocked and i didnt finish the 2nd one yet.

@NerD:blogOtaku: idk how you thought the boss' were over powered i found them too easy to beat and i encountered none of the problems your mentioning. i played the game twice and the bonus levels and thought it was great. one of the very few games i actually HAD to finish and wanted to play again. and btw cutscenes

@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: i love the whole force unleashed story line but u brought up old republic and thats what i cant get my mind around how thats suppose to be 1000's of years before and its all the same. they should have made it more like knights of the old republic for xbox.

umm how about chris o'donnal in a nightwing movie lol

they could always have a gay president. or a female one but these days thats not really too far a stretch either.

apples been in bed with AT&T for years and now i see lucasarts has hopped into the sack with verizon! -__-

what about video calls?

i thought the 1st movie was one of the scariest movies ive ever seen. but i think it all depends on wether you beleive in that sort of thing. hopefully this one dosnt ruin it.

@Chuck: well we already know from what happen in season one its solid amber so i cant see how it could be "turned off". also as seen in the S1 episode (i forget the name) those people trapped in amber o the bus were most certainly dead.

@PlaidNinja: i missed the observer too and sorry but im lost with the magical negro thing? did i miss something?