
@SpinachPuffs: well in that sense yes but in the comics dosnt she have control over plant life? thats super natural and nolan insist on batman being reality based.

@dsanders1234: i shop at walmart BUT i have class and know how to dress. theres a difference.

apple trying to play daddy as always. make an android app instead guys!

obviously who ever wrote this isnt from NYC. ive NEVER been on a quite train where one could relax. well unless your on it at 4am and even then youve got some crazy or homeless person singing or rambling away how the end is near! lol i doubt many people will be talking as its too loud to hear anything you practically

haha this made me think of beetleborgs

@josephd: give it 10 years theyll have a whole new theory.

im still lost how only dinosaurs died but everything else survived. i call bullshit LoL

SF is going way too far. are they gonna tell people when to take a shit too?!

im convinced nolan is an idiot. hes just one of those guys who thinks his movies are gods word and no one else could do it. i mean neither batman movie has been THAT good. i mean he made batman too normal. and dont even get me started on christian bales portrayal.

didnt the 1st one suck enough?

was there anything left of the house by the time the fire department showed up? lol

it makes sense i dont even understand how uncle sam let this go on for this long.

i really hope he does play the riddler hes an amazing character and i think JGL would do it justice! im very sad though that its gonna be the last movie.

@omgitzjose: wow after reading the whole thing its totally biased towards apple.

wheres the OVI store?

this is just sad LMAO

i thought the v70 was a hot phone! id have to add the SLVR to this list. that phone SUCKED!

@omgitzjose: o nevermind i just realized it says you need the marine housing...which may i add is a rip off ad cost almost as much as the camera itself...sometimes i hate sony. they can be almost as bad as apple.

fuck them i just bought a TX7 and now they come out with a water-proof version?

@Asraiil: thats what i was thinking. they posted in the elevator and now the whole building is gonna see it LMAO epic fail!