@Blue Ninja: Nice! Thanks!
@Blue Ninja: Nice! Thanks!
@WingedGenius: Add that a GOOD 32GB CF card will set you back $110 w/above adapter. And not all CF cards work. Otherwise... good suggestion.
I'm trying to help a buddy out with some Halo Reach trivia (some kinda kiosk-retail-work thing..).
"Hey Em, when you land in LA, send out a tweet about your current projects there. Don't give the game rags too much, just a tease. Who loves ya babe- Nolan# "
If all cars were manual transmission only, we'd have better public transportation!
@CABEZAGRANDE: Ask Audi about diesels and "performance".
@Azel: OMG! Azel's a grrlgamer!!! Want some free stuff???
@NeVeRMoRe666: Not really. You see, if there were video games during world war II for playing as Nazi's, I would think the reaction would be the same: WTF are the devs thinking? It's not over in Afghanistan. And we have allies there as well. I think the pattern here is Greed over common sense.
Domo!! You can haz Cheebergrz now!!
Nuthin REAL 'bout Reality Shows. Truth.
@Squalor: Only midget clowns.
Pretentious Male: "Hey! You see that???"
How much?
@Goufunaki22: +1 ... I was like, hey, that is a great outfit. Skin tone and real skin match damn well.
Where can I get an Xbox 360 Flag?
@battra92: Really? I always head up toward Whitehall/Ft Anne and bypass all the tourist traps...might have to detour and check it out. Thanks!
@MikeSWelch: I'd have to go with MS on their most reliable (and cheap) USB model
I miss Funhouse and The Black Knight... :(
@Fourth Liver: GODDAMMERUNG! I should have watched the whole vid (sorry, it was lunch break...).
I played Top Gun (and not the movie).